These five books of Scripture each capture an artistic and unique perspective of the human experience. Three of the books, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs are known as the books of wisdom literature, while Psalms and Song of Solomon are best known for their wide range of emotions and beautiful imagery. 

Each of the three books of wisdom literature shares a different mindset regarding the pursuit of wisdom itself. Proverbs, primarily written by King Solomon, would argue that wisdom leads to a fruitful and successful life and that the righteous will prevail and the evil will perish. Solomon was the Israelite king who built the first Temple of Jerusalem. He was David’s son and known for his great wisdom.

In contrast, the story of Job serves as the exception to this rule, proving that life is not always fair and that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Ecclesiastes, also written by King Solomon but toward the end of his life, offers a more nuanced view, saying that we cannot control what happens to us in this short, fleeting life, so we might as well enjoy what we can while we’re still alive. Because of the different perspectives on wisdom, these books are best read together as a collective library of wisdom literature. 

The book of Psalms contains one hundred and fifty poems and songs, primarily written by David. David was the second ruler of Israel and united all the tribes of Israel under a single monarch. These psalms vary in emotion, context, and purpose and are best read alongside 1 + 2 Samuel, to understand what was happening throughout David’s life that prompted these poems and songs. 

Song of Solomon (also known as Song of Songs) is an epic love story, written about a passionate young couple about to be married. The nature of this book has been debated, with the subject either being a human couple in love or the nature of God’s pursuit of humanity. Either way, there is beauty and wisdom in both earthly relationships and our relationship with God.