The news of Jesus was spreading rapidly! Paul, Peter, and some of the other apostles used letters to communicate with believers in churches all over the world. After seeing the resurrected Jesus, the apostles were on a mission to share the gospel with all people. Because Paul and the other writers experienced God’s power dramatically they are able to boldly declare their faith in Christ.

Recorded in the book of Acts, the apostle Paul traveled throughout the Roman Empire and Asia Minor to preach the gospel and plant churches. Many of the New Testament letters are addressed to groups of people or individuals that Paul met along the way. Other disciples of Jesus also wrote letters to churches, including Peter, John, James, and Jude. These letters provide a glimpse of life in the first century and serve as a reminder of Jesus’s teaching. 

Although many of these letters include encouragement and praise, others offer warning and concern. Because Christians were facing great persecution, these letters served as a source of hope, renewal of faith, and caution against false teachers. Because the ability to read was uncommon and writing supplies were expensive, these letters were considered very valuable and were typically read aloud for the community of believers to hear.