Paul authored this letter to Titus, a Greek Christian sent to Crete, Greece. Although there are some followers of Jesus in Crete, the culture there is violent and vulgar. The leadership in Crete, even within the church, has been corrupted. Paul sends Titus to share the truth of Jesus and create order within the church. Paul enlists Titus to establish new leadership and encourage righteous living. 

Because of God’s mercy displayed through Jesus, Paul instructs the people of Crete to live in ways that honor God and reject false teachings and useless practices. Titus was sent to show the transformation that comes from knowing Jesus and models living in alignment with God’s truth. Paul emphasizes that followers of Jesus are called to a new way of life that responds to God’s goodness with righteousness. Through good leadership, good teaching, and good deeds, the church in Crete is called to pursue holiness. 

    • Jesus as eternal hope

    • Paul

    • Titus

    • Author: Paul

    • Date: 63-66 C.E.

    • Intended Audience: Titus, with the idea that Titus should teach others what Paul is teaching him in the letter.



Paul introduces the purpose of his letter, calling Titus to share the truth of God and hope of eternal life. Recognizing that Titus is in the Greek island of Crete, Paul refers to God as “the God who does not lie,” showing the contrast between God’s truth and the false gods commonly worshiped in Greece. Paul desires for Titus to share the truth of God and reveal the news of Jesus to the people in Crete. Paul emphasizes the idea that God sent Jesus, the physical manifestation of God’s Word, at the perfect time.

Paul begins to detail the specific tasks he has for Titus, hoping he will bring order to the church in Crete. He assigns Titus to appoint righteous elders, men who are leaders in the church, outlining admirable qualities of these men, including being hospitable, lovers of good, self-controlled, and disciplined. These leaders are instructed to hold firm to what is trustworthy by preaching the truth and confront those who contradict the truth.

Many of the people in Crete claim to know God, but their talk is empty. Paul instructs Titus to correct the Jewish-Christians who are teaching incorrect doctrine, most likely that one must become Jewish before becoming a follower of Jesus. Instead of trusting in Jesus for salvation many of the people in Crete look to customs or law for righteousness.

Paul mentions that even the prophets from Crete speak against their own people, calling them evil liars and lazy gluttons. Titus is called to replace myths and false beliefs with the truth of Jesus. Instead of honoring God with their actions, the people of Crete claim to believe in God, but live in a way that is detestable and disobedient.

Titus 1:9 - He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.



Paul gives distinct advice for Titus to share with specific ages and genders based on the trends Paul has witnessed and experienced. Titus is to teach older men to remain sober minded, dignified, self-controlled, and steadfast. Titus should encourage the older women to be reverent in their behavior, not drinking too much wine. Instead, they are to teach what is good and invest in the younger generation. Younger women were instructed to love their families and show kindness. Younger men were taught to show integrity and dignity. Although Paul would instruct all believers to behave in faith and love, he has specific advice based on stage of life and circumstances. Paul urges Titus to train believers to be good stewards of whatever has been entrusted to them.

Because of God’s grace, believers are empowered to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions. Instead, they are able to live with self-control and righteousness. The new way of life that Jesus modeled is a pursuit of holiness in response to God’s generosity and forgiveness. Jesus offers hope for all people to be redeemed from lawlessness and made pure.



Paul reminds Titus to urge the believers in Crete to be obedient to authorities and ready to produce good work. Titus is to teach the people to avoid quarreling, showing gentleness and courtesy to all people. Because of the violent and corrupt culture in Crete, this is no small task! Paul encourages Titus to remind the believers to be humble in their leadership, since they were also once disobedient and led astray.

Instead of giving into various pleasures and hating one another, the people of Crete are called to self-control and goodness. Despite the rebellion of the people, Jesus is merciful and offers salvation from their sinfulness. Through the Holy Spirit that dwells within believers, followers of Jesus are declared righteous and given the hope of eternal life. In response to God’s mercy and trustworthiness, Christians are called to devote themselves to good works and embrace the transformative power of the gospel.

Titus 3:5 - he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit . . .