Writing to the church in the Roman city of Ephesus, Paul shares the gospel message and how to respond as a follower of Jesus. Paul previously spent two years in Ephesus, spreading the gospel and establishing the church (Acts 19). Years later, Paul wrote this letter to the Ephesians during his imprisonment in Rome. Despite his unfortunate circumstances, Paul encouraged believers to pursue their relationship with God and continue following Jesus. Because there are many new believers in the large city of Ephesus, Paul outlines the central message of the gospel and then shows the believers how to respond in love and faithfulness.

Paul also addresses the church in Ephesus in his letters to Timothy (1 + 2 Timothy). In those more personal letters, Paul writes about specific issues and conflicts within the church. In this letter, Paul shares a broader message, meant to challenge and strengthen the church in Ephesus.

    • The role of faith and grace in salvation

    • The power of the Holy Spirit

    • Unity of Jews and Gentiles in the church

    • Peter

    • Paul

    • Author: Paul

    • Date: 60–62 C.E.

    • Intended Audience: The church in Ephesus, now Turkey, that was made up of both former Jews and Gentiles.



Opening his letter, Paul thanks God for the blessings believers have received through the life and death of Jesus. Paul states that before the world was created, God had a plan for redemption and reconciliation with His people. From the very beginning, God has been in a pursuit of relationship with His creation!

God sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of humanity and lavish grace among those who believed. In this act of forgiveness and grace, all who accepted Jesus as the Savior were invited into God’s new family.

According to God’s perfect timing, Jesus came to the world to redeem both Jewish and non-Jewish people. For those who believe, they have received salvation through the truth of the gospel. God sent the Holy Spirit to dwell among believers as a guarantee of their acceptance into God’s family (Acts 2). Paul emphasizes the presence of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit and highlights their unique roles in the plan for salvation.

Because of the Ephesians' faith in Jesus, Paul thanks God for them and prays for God to continue to reveal his knowledge to them. Encouraging believers, Paul says that they have been given a glorious inheritance and immeasurable greatness through God’s power. Jesus is the ruler and authority over all things, but was humble and gracious enough to die for the sins of humanity. Paul states that Jesus is not only the ruler of this age, but for the age to come!



Paul underscores the sinful nature of the world and the broken state of all people. They once were drowning in their sins and pursuing unrighteous desires. But because of God’s great love and mercy, Jesus took away the consequences of wrongdoing. Instead of being dead to sin, believers have become alive in Christ. Just as Jesus was risen from the grave, followers of Christ are also resurrected into new life.

Paul emphasizes that believers have been saved by grace, through faith in Jesus. This gift of salvation comes from God alone and is not a reflection of one’s own doing. Because we are God’s creation, He has built us with a purpose and prepared good works for us in advance. Not only is God gracious and compassionate, He is purposeful and intentional.

Because of Jesus, all believers have become unified with God and with one another. Both the Jewish and Gentile people have been unified into God’s family and brought together for peace. Although the Israelites were God’s chosen people, through whom He brought Jesus to the world, God has expanded His family and invited anyone who worships Jesus as the Savior. Jesus is the foundation and cornerstone of the faith and all who follow Him, regardless of heritage or ethnicity are peacefully unified with God’s chosen people.

Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.



Stewarding his role as a messenger of the gospel, Paul shares his insight on God’s mysterious ways. Paul reflects on the many generations before them that hoped and waited for a Savior. Now that the time has come, Paul desires to share the message of Jesus with as many people as possible. Because the news of Jesus was revealed to Paul, he had the responsibility of sharing with the people who were not yet aware.

Through faith in Jesus, the Gentiles or non-religious people were invited into God’s family. Anyone who trusted Jesus as the Savior was welcomed into a unified body of believers. Of God’s people, Paul considers himself the least of them all. It was through God’s grace that he was transformed from a murderer of Christians to an advocate for Christ (Acts 9)!

Paul prays for God to strengthen the Gentile believers and asks Him to grant them spiritual power and increased love. Although Paul values knowledge, he trusts that the love of Jesus surpasses all understanding. Paul believes that God will not do only what he has requested, but will do abundantly more than he could ask or imagine.  



Paul transitions his letter from focusing on what God has done to sharing with believers how to respond. Because of God’s goodness, Paul calls the followers of Jesus to live in a manner worthy of the gospel. Although Paul knows that all believers will continue to sin and fall short, he also desires for them to be transformed by the good news of Jesus.

Paul lists gentleness, patience, love, and peace as admirable qualities of believers, similar to the fruit of the Holy Spirit he described in his letter to Galatia (Galatians 5). Paul reiterates God’s desire for unity among His people. Those who believe in Jesus and have the Holy Spirit are called to live as one body, with one faith, in one God, through one baptism.

Noting that unity is not the same as uniformity, Paul shows how believers are diverse in their God-given giftings. All members of the church are encouraged to speak in truth and love, following Jesus alone and not being swayed by false teachers. When the church body is working together in unity, they are able to be built up in love.

Paul instructs believers to take off their old humanity and put on their new selves. Through Christ, believers are made new and given a new identity. The Holy Spirit within believers helps restore them to the image of God in which they were created. Instead of lying and anger, the followers of Jesus are called to truth and peace. Instead of speaking of gossip and corruption, they are to encourage and build up others. Instead of bitter and wrathful, believers are free to be tenderhearted, forgiving, and kind.


Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.



Calling believers to be imitators of God, Paul gives instructions for walking in love. Paul warns against sexual immorality, impure speech, and idolatry. Encouraging believers to avoid partnering with disobedient people, Paul wants the believers to be set apart as God’s light. Paul challenges followers of Jesus to examine their lives and look carefully at the decisions they are making. Because there is evil all around, Paul wants the believers to be cautious and thoughtful.

Paul gives directions for husbands and wives to honor each other. Husbands are called to be loving toward their wives and make sacrifices for them. Just as Christ cares for the Church, men are called to cherish and nourish their wives. In response, the wives are called to respect and trust their husbands. Although this verse is commonly criticized for misogyny, it is important to note that it also holds men to an exceptionally high standard. Women are called to follow the leadership of their husband, assuming they are following in the love and sacrifice of Christ. In a time when women were often considered property, Paul is advocating that men honor and value their wives, not oppress or diminish them.



Continuing his advice for mutual love and respect, Paul says that his previous advice also applies to children and their parents as well as servants and their masters. Authorities of all capacities are instructed to lead with humility, not provoke or threaten.

Paul finishes his letter by teaching the Ephesians to be strong in the Lord and utilize the strength he has provided. By putting on the armor of God, believers are able to stand against the evil schemes of the Enemy. Paul teaches that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. Describing God’s armor, Paul details the belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness. The gospel of peace provides readiness, like shoes on their feet. Faith is like a shield, protecting them from flaming darts and evil attacks. Salvation is the helmet over their head, protecting the most vulnerable and valuable part of the body. Their sword is God’s Word, a powerful weapon against spiritual attacks. Paul prays that the followers of Jesus are equipped to fight spiritual battles using all that God has provided.

Paul ends his letter, praying for the church in Ephesus, hoping to encourage and strengthen their hearts.