Opening his letter, Paul thanks God for the blessings believers have received through the life and death of Jesus. Paul states that before the world was created, God had a plan for redemption and reconciliation with His people. From the very beginning, God has been in a pursuit of relationship with His creation!

God sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of humanity and lavish grace among those who believed. In this act of forgiveness and grace, all who accepted Jesus as the Savior were invited into God’s new family.

According to God’s perfect timing, Jesus came to the world to redeem both Jewish and non-Jewish people. For those who believe, they have received salvation through the truth of the gospel. God sent the Holy Spirit to dwell among believers as a guarantee of their acceptance into God’s family (Acts 2). Paul emphasizes the presence of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit and highlights their unique roles in the plan for salvation.

Because of the Ephesians' faith in Jesus, Paul thanks God for them and prays for God to continue to reveal his knowledge to them. Encouraging believers, Paul says that they have been given a glorious inheritance and immeasurable greatness through God’s power. Jesus is the ruler and authority over all things, but was humble and gracious enough to die for the sins of humanity. Paul states that Jesus is not only the ruler of this age, but for the age to come!
