Jesus is handed over to the Roman Governor, Pilate, who questions His identity. Jesus confirms that He is the Son of God, the Jewish Messiah. When the priests and religious leaders make further accusations, Jesus remains silent.

Attempting to spare Jesus, Pilate recalls that during Passover, one prisoner was allowed to be freed. Instead of freeing the innocent Messiah, the crowd cheers to free Barabbas, a criminal guilty of acts of heinous violence and corruption. When Pilate asks what to do with Jesus, the crowd shouts “Crucify him!”

In Leviticus 16:6-10, the high priest Aaron observes the annual ritual of the Day of Atonement—an offering that covers the sins of the Israelites. He brings two male goats, one as a sacrifice to God and the other as the scapegoat, symbolically carrying away the sins of the people. This ancient practice serves as a foreshadowing of Jesus' sacrifice and Barabbas as the symbolic scapegoat who was set free.

Pilate’s soldiers take Jesus and clothe him in purple robes and a crown of thorns, mocking His alleged identity as King of the Jews. They mockingly kneel and spit on Him, showing their hatred and disrespect.

The soldiers walk with Jesus towards the outskirts of the city, where He is to be crucified. Jesus is so weak from being beaten that a man named Simon has to assist Him in carrying the cross where He would soon meet His death.

The site of Jesus' crucifixion is the same site where Abraham offers Isaac (Genesis 22), holding a powerful connection. In both instances, God provides a substitute sacrifice. Just as a ram replaced Isaac in the Old Testament, Jesus becomes the sacrificial lamb for humanity, fulfilling God's plan for redemption.

By His hands and His feet, Jesus is nailed to the cross and lifted up. The soldiers throw dice to divide His clothing between them (Psalm 22:18). The people mock and berate Jesus, asking why He could save others, but not Himself. Even the criminals on the crosses beside Him question His abilities and insult Him as He hangs on the cross.

During the crucifixion, the sky fills with darkness, showing the physical and spiritual significance of His sacrifice. In His final moments, Jesus cries out to God, asking why He has been forsaken (Psalm 22:1). Trusting the Father’s will, Jesus yields His spirit to God, allowing His death on the cross. Seeing Jesus’ dead body on the cross, one of the Roman soldiers recognizes Him as the Savior, saying “Truly this man was the Son of God!”

Upon Jesus' death, the temple curtain tore in two, symbolizing the removal of the barrier between God and humanity, allowing access to God’s presence for all believers.

Joseph, one of Jesus’ followers asks Pilate for Jesus’body, wanting to properly bury Him. Joseph takes the body, wraps it in linen clothing, and puts Him in a tomb protected by a large stone.


