After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, visit the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with spices. Mary Magdalene was a disciple of Jesus and one of His ministry’s financial supporters. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus healed her of seven demons (Luke 8:1-3). She witnessed the crucifixion and burial of Jesus and was the first person to see Him after the resurrection. Mary, mentioned in Matthew as the other Mary, is most likely the mother of Jesus.

Wondering how they would open the tomb, the women realize that the stone has already been rolled away. As they enter the tomb, an angel encourages the women, telling them not to be afraid. Sharing the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, the angel tells them, “He has risen, He is not here.” The women leave the tomb, afraid and astonished.

After Jesus rose from the tomb, He first appears to Mary Magdalene. Mary goes to tell Jesus’ disciples, who are mourning and weeping over His death. When they hear that He is alive and that she has seen Him, they could not believe the news.

After appearing to Mary Magdalene, Jesus appears to two of the disciples as they are walking. The two who saw Jesus went back to tell the others, but they still did not believe.

Jesus appears to the eleven disciples, the original twelve minus Judas, as they are sharing a meal together. He rebukes them for their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen Him after the resurrection. Jesus shares with them the Great Commission, to share the gospel with all people and baptize them as followers of Jesus.

After sharing this message with the disciples, Jesus returns to heaven, seated at the right hand of God. The disciples go out to share the gospel message, and God is with them.
