As Passover is approaching, the chief priests and elders gather with Caiaphas, the high priest, and plot together to arrest and kill Jesus.

Jesus visits the home of a leper in Bethany, the town where Lazarus, Mary, and Martha live. Lazarus, Mary and Martha were siblings who were very close friends with Jesus. Jesus was a welcomed guest in their home on many occasions ( John 11, Luke 10:38-42, and John 12:3.)

While visiting, a woman takes an expensive balm and anoints the feet of Jesus, wiping them with her hair. Showing humility and sacrifice, the woman honors Him with this intimate and meaningful act. The disciples question why the woman did this, calling it a waste. Jesus says the woman’s actions were beautiful and knew the ointment was for the preparation for His burial, which Jesus knew was quickly approaching.

Judas, one of Jesus’s disciples, goes to the chief priest to ask how much they would pay for Jesus’ capture. Betraying Jesus, Judas turns over His location for the promise of money.

In a large upper room, Jesus gathers the disciples to celebrate Passover. During the meal, Jesus tells the disciples that one of them will betray Him. Troubled by this, each disciple questions who would be the one to betray Him. As Judas was dipping his bread into a dish, Jesus confirms that Judas will be the one to betray Him (Psalm 41:9).

Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper, more commonly known as communion. Jesus breaks the bread and pours the wine, describing it as His body broken and His blood poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

After the Passover meal, Jesus foretells that Peter, His disciple, will deny knowing Jesus three times before the rooster crows. Peter assures Jesus that he will not deny Him, even if it costs him his life.

Jesus enters the garden of Gethsemane to pray. Distressed and sorrowful, He asks God to remove the dreadful fate awaiting Him. Submitting to God’s will, Jesus understands that His death is necessary. Peter, James, and John, the disciples closest to Jesus, notice He is troubled. Knowing He has been betrayed, Jesus tells them that the hour has come for His arrest.

While they are in the garden, Judas arrives with a great crowd of priests and religious leaders seeking to arrest Jesus. Judas identifies Jesus, kissing His face as a sign to the priests. The crowd seizes Him, taking Him captive. Jesus states that He is following God’s will and fulfilling the teachings of the prophets.

One of the young men with Jesus attempts to follow after Him, but is seized. In this process, he lost his clothes and ran away naked.

Jesus is taken before Caiaphas and his council, put on trial for blasphemy. When questioned about His claims, He remains silent (Isaiah 53:7). The priests mock Jesus, tearing His robes and spitting in His face. When asked directly, Jesus confirms that He is the Son of God, and they want to kill Him for this profession.

Just as Jesus said, Peter is approached three times, questioned about his relationship to Jesus. Three times, Peter denies knowing Him. Remembering what Jesus said, Peter weeps over his denial of Christ.


