After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, most likely the mother of Jesus, visit the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with spices. Wondering how they would open the tomb, the women realize that the stone was already rolled away.

As they enter the tomb, they are met by angels who speak to them saying, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Reminded of the words of Jesus, the women remembered His prophecy of His death and resurrection. He did exactly what He said He would do!

After seeing the empty tomb of Jesus, the women run to tell the disciples, but the disciples could not believe this news. Peter immediately runs to the tomb to see for himself. Looking into the tomb, he sees the linen cloths that wrapped around Jesus’ body lying by themselves, and he marvels at this sight.

Jesus appears to two of the disciples as they are walking towards the village Emmaus.

Jesus walks beside them, but they did not recognize Him. He asks the disciples why they are in despair and the two men ironically explain the innocent death of Jesus to the resurrected Jesus Himself.

Jesus questions their faith and their knowledge of Scripture, saying "Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” Starting with the books of Moses and all the prophets, Jesus interprets all the Scriptures concerning Himself.

When they arrived in Emmaus, the disciples invite Jesus to stay with them, still not having recognized Him as the resurrected Savior. When He is at the table with them, He blesses the bread, breaks it, and gives it to them. At this moment, their eyes are opened, and they recognize Him. He then disappears from their sight. Reflecting on what just occurred, the disciples realize that their hearts burned within themselves as Jesus shared the fulfillment of the Scriptures with them. The men return to Jerusalem to share with the other disciples that “the Lord has risen indeed!” and their recognition of Him during the breaking of the bread.

As the disciples are talking about His return, Jesus stands among them, saying “Peace to you!” The disciples are startled by His arrival and assume they had seen a ghost. Consoling the disciples and proving His identity, Jesus shows them His hands and His feet, allowing them to touch Him and feel His physical presence. He sits down with the disciples and shares a meal with them.

Jesus explains that He is the fulfillment of the Scriptures, including the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms, opening the minds of the disciples, giving them understanding of the Scriptures. In His last instruction, referred to as the Great Commission, Jesus invites the disciples to share the Gospel with all people.

After sharing this message with the disciples and blessing them, Jesus returns to heaven. The disciples continue to worship Jesus and return to Jerusalem with great joy and faith.
