After being taken captive, Jesus is handed over to the Roman Governor, Pilate, who questions His identity. He confirms that He is the Son of God, the Jewish Messiah. When the priests and religious leaders make further accusations, Jesus remains silent (Isaiah 53:7). Pilate finds no guilt in Him and does not understand the reason for His arrest.

Facing opposition from the religious leaders and crowds, Pilate sends Jesus back to King Herod in Jerusalem. King Herod and Pilate have been in conflict, but found common ground in believing that He is innocent.

Attempting to spare Jesus, Pilate recalls that during Passover, one prisoner is allowed to be freed. Instead of freeing the innocent Messiah, the crowd cheers to free Barabbas, a criminal guilty of acts of heinous violence and corruption.

When Pilate asks what he should do with Jesus, the crowd adamantly shouts, “Crucify Him!” Because of the fervor of the crowd demanding to kill Jesus, Pilate relents and allows Him to be handed over.

The soldiers walk with Jesus towards the outskirts of the city, where He is to be crucified. He is so weak from being beaten that a man named Simon has to assist Him in carrying the cross where He would soon meet His death.

The site of Jesus' crucifixion is the same site where Abraham offered Isaac (Genesis 22), holding a powerful connection. In both instances, God provided a substitute sacrifice. Just as a ram replaced Isaac in the Old Testament, Jesus becomes the sacrificial lamb for humanity, fulfilling God's plan for redemption.

By His hands and His feet, Jesus is nailed to the cross and lifted up. The soldiers throw dice to divide His clothing between them (Psalm 22:18). The people mock and berate Him, asking why He could save others, but not Himself. While experiencing the most excruciating form of death, Jesus prays, asking God to forgive the people who are killing Him, for they do not know the gravity of what they are doing.

Seeing His faith and humility on the cross, the criminal hanging next to Jesus recognized Him as the Savior. The man asked Jesus to remember him when He arrives into God’s kingdom. Jesus responds to the man, telling him that they will be together in paradise that very day. Despite his inability to respond to Jesus’ sacrifice or live a more righteous life, the criminal is welcomed to the kingdom, showing that salvation is given by faith through grace alone.

During the crucifixion, the sky fills with darkness, showing the physical and spiritual significance of Jesus’ sacrifice. Trusting the Father’s will, Jesus yields His spirit to God, allowing His death on the cross.

Joseph, one of Jesus’ followers, asks Pilate for His body, wanting to properly bury Him. Joseph takes the body, wraps it in linen clothing, and puts Jesus in a tomb protected by a large stone.  

Luke 23:42-43 – And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”


