During the reign of Caesar Augustus, a decree went out calling for a census of the people. Mary and Joseph travel from their hometown in Nazareth and report to Bethlehem, a town in Judea.

While they are in Bethlehem, Jesus is born, fulfilling the prophecy of the birth of the Savior in Bethlehem (Micah 5). Because the town is filled with people traveling for the census, there is no room for Mary and Joseph to stay indoors. Jesus is born in a rustic shelter where animals reside and is laid in a manger.

In a nearby field, shepherds are keeping watch over the flock and are visited by an angel. The angel brings good news of great joy for all people, telling the shepherds that the Savior was born and wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.

When a lamb was born for a temple sacrifice, the lamb would be wrapped in swaddling clothes to remain blemish-free and maintain purity. The shepherds know the significance of Jesus, that He is the lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world, so they go to visit Him in Bethlehem. Upon seeing Jesus, they praise God and know He is the Savior.

When Jesus is eight days old, He is circumcised, keeping the law that God had given to Abraham (Genesis 17). Jesus is presented at the temple in Jerusalem and Mary and Joseph offer a sacrifice, following the laws around childbirth (Leviticus 12, Exodus 13). Because Mary and Joseph are not wealthy enough to provide a lamb, they offer two doves as a sacrifice. God provides this option so that anyone, regardless of wealth or status, could participate in keeping God’s law.

When Jesus is presented at the temple, the Holy Spirit is upon a man named Simeon, who recognizes Him as the Savior. Simeon gives Mary and Joseph a glimpse of what is to come, telling them that Jesus will be rejected and will face the pain of a sword piercing Him. Despite the pain they will experience, Jesus will serve as the embodiment of both the failure and redemption of Israel.

Anna, an elderly widow, serves in the temple as a prophetess. Upon seeing Jesus, she praises God, thanking Him for the redemption of Jerusalem. Anna recognizes Him as the Savior of Israel, even as a small child.

Mary, Joseph, and Jesus return to Nazareth, where Jesus is raised. Each year, they would return to Jerusalem for the annual Passover celebration. One year, when Jesus is twelve years old, Mary and Joseph could not find him on their return to Nazareth. Distressed and searching for Jesus, they find Him three days later, speaking with the teachers around the temple. Jesus responds to Mary and Joseph, telling them He was in His Father’s house. Jesus, the Son of God, found comfort within the temple, God’s dwelling place in Jerusalem.

Jesus continues to grow, increasing in wisdom and stature, finding favor with both God and man.


