Luke’s account starts with the priest Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, who are both faithful people and follow God. They have no children because Elizabeth is barren, and they are both beyond childbearing years.

Zechariah has the unique honor of entering the temple, a rare occasion. In the temple, Zechariah is met by the angel Gabriel, who tells him that his prayers were heard and that Elizabeth will conceive a son. This son will be named John and he will have the distinct role of preparing God’s people in Israel.

Gabriel tells Zechariah that his son will have the spirit and power of the prophet Elijah, filling the prophecy of Malachi (1 Kings 17–19, Malachi 4). Zechariah does not believe the news at first, shocked by what the angel told him. Because of his initial disbelief, Zechariah becomes mute and is unable to speak.

A few months later, the angel Gabriel visits Elizabeth’s cousin, Mary, who lives in Nazareth and is engaged to be married to Joseph. Gabriel tells Mary that she has found favor with God and will conceive a child. Mary’s son will reign over the house of Jacob and sit on the throne of David. The reference to these two Israelite leaders points to God’s long-standing plan to redeem and restore the Israelite people.

Mary is confused by the news of her pregnancy, because she is a young virgin. The angel explains that the Holy Spirit of God conceived the child within her womb. Mary responds with humility, trusting the word of God and referring to herself as God’s servant. Mary’s virgin conception fulfills the prophet Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 7:14.

As an older woman and a virgin, both Elizabeth and Mary are expecting a child under unlikely circumstances. When Mary visits Elizabeth, John jumps within Elizabeth’s womb. The Holy Spirit is upon Elizabeth and she knows that Mary is carrying God’s child. The first prophecy of the conceived Messiah is spoken by Elizabeth! Mary and Elizabeth praise God together, singing of His goodness and mercy.

Once Elizabeth gives birth, Zechariah affirms that the son is to be named John and is able to speak again. Zechariah praises God and is filled with the Holy Spirit. Zechariah prophesies that his son, John, will be a prophetic messenger who prepares Israel for the Messiah, going before the Lord to prepare His ways and give knowledge of the coming salvation to His people.
