After Stephen’s death, the church in Jerusalem faces great persecution. Saul, one of the men present for the stoning of Stephen, enters the homes of believers, ravaging Jesus’ followers and imprisoning them.

Because of this oppression, believers scatter throughout Judea and Samaria. Through the death of Stephen and the movement of believers, God accomplishes His mission of spreading the message of Christ to the greater area despite Saul’s efforts.

One of Jesus’ disciples, Phillip, traveled to Samaria to proclaim the news of Christ. Seeing the abilities of Phillip and hearing the good news he shared, the people of Samaria pay attention to his message and respond with great joy.

After hearing the message of Phillip, many follow Jesus and are baptized. Among them is a man named Simon, who previously practiced magic and divination. Although he was able to perform miraculous acts, his abilities were not honorable to God. After seeing Phillip perform miracles with God’s authority, Simon believes the message of Jesus.

After hearing of Phillip’s great impact, Peter and John arrive in Samaria and pray for the Samaritans to receive the Holy Spirit. When Simon realizes that the disciples are able to invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, he desires that same ability. Believing he could purchase this ability, Simon offers the disciples silver in exchange for their power. Peter rebukes Simon, explaining that God’s power cannot be bought. Simon repents for his unreasonable request, realizing that God’s abilities are far greater than his own.

After his time in Samaria, Phillip is instructed by an angel to go towards Gaza. Along the road, Phillip encounters an Ethiopian court official traveling toward Jerusalem to worship. God’s Spirit encourages Phillip to talk to the man, who is reading the Scriptures. Phillip asks him if he understands what he is reading, but the man needs someone to explain the passages. He is reading Isaiah 53, which foretells the death of Jesus, comparing Him to a spotless lamb led to sacrifice, silent and obedient. The passage expresses that although Jesus was without sin, He took on the consequences of the sin of the world.

Phillip explains the passage, sharing the news of Jesus, and highlighting His fulfillment of Isaiah 53. Upon hearing about Jesus, the Ethiopian man immediately believes and is baptized by Phillip. After this encouraging encounter, God’s Spirit brings Phillip to Azotus, where he continues to preach the gospel.


