Traveling towards the city of Damascus, Saul continues to persecute and murder disciples of Jesus. As he approaches Damascus, a sudden light from heaven shines around Saul. Falling to the ground in fear, Saul hears a loud voice saying “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul asks who is speaking. The voice responds to Saul, saying “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Unable to see from the great light, Saul enters the city and does not eat or drink for three days.

God speaks to a disciple named Ananias, instructing him to go and speak to Saul. Ananias knows that Saul persecutes Christians and is afraid to visit him, but God tells Ananias that Saul is a chosen instrument who will share the gospel with those who do not believe.

Ananias follows God’s instruction, finds Saul, and miraculously restores his sight. Saul is filled with the Holy Spirit and is baptized. God took the man who wanted to kill believers and turned him into a devout follower of Jesus!

Saul visits the synagogues, proclaiming the name of Jesus. Realizing that Saul once killed believers, the people are amazed by his conversion and see his faith as proof that Jesus is the Savior.

Many Jewish people hear Saul’s message at the synagogues and want him killed. The disciples lower Saul in a basket through an opening in the city walls by night to escape Damascus and avoid death.

When Saul arrives in Jerusalem, the disciples are afraid of him. Barnabas, a man who supports the disciples, vouches for Paul and supports his conversion. When the disciples hear of Saul’s message at the synagogues, they accept him and send him to Tarsus to preach the news of Jesus. The church grows throughout Judea, Samaria, and Galilee. Despite facing persecution, the church is at peace, comforted by the Holy Spirit.

Peter continues to travel and heal, first with a man named Aeneas, who had been paralyzed for eight years. After healing Aeneas through the power of Jesus, Peter raises a faithful woman named Tabitha from the dead. Through these acts, many believe in Jesus.


