When questioned by the high priest, Stephen responds by summarizing the history of the faith and the foundation of his claims.

Starting with Abraham, God has set a plan in motion to restore His relationship with humanity. Although the Israelites were enslaved and oppressed, Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation (Genesis 12–15). Stephen recalls Jacob, father to twelve sons, who became the twelve tribes of Israel. One of the sons, Joseph, faced great opposition, but rose to power in Egypt and provided for his brothers who betrayed him (Genesis 35–50).

Stephen recollects the life and leadership of Moses, starting with his birth in Egypt (Exodus 1–2). Through the message of a burning bush, God called Moses to be a leader among the Israelites and lead them out of Egyptian oppression (Exodus 3–14).

Stephen emphasizes the rejection that Moses faced from the Israelites. Although God sent Moses and the prophets, the people refused to listen and obey. Stephen quotes the prophet Amos, who foretold Israel’s captivity in Babylon (Amos 5:25). Stephen remembers the creation of the temple and claims that God’s presence cannot be contained.

After reminding the priests of the historical pattern of disobedience and dismissal of God’s messengers, Stephen confronts them for possessing the same negligence and stubbornness as their ancestors. Despite God’s constant pursuit of humanity, the Israelites continually reject His messengers.

Those who heard Stephen’s speech are filled with rage, but Stephen is filled with the Holy Spirit. Stephen, knowing his death is near, gazes into heaven and sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Witnessed by a man named Saul, Stephen is stoned to death for his bold claims of faith and the accusations regarding Jesus’ innocence.

Stephen is known as the first Christian martyr, a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs. When Stephen is being killed, he submits his spirit to God’s will, saying “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit,” mirroring the words of Jesus on the cross in Luke 23:46. In their dying moments, both Jesus and Stephen ask God for forgiveness towards those who persecute them. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34) and Stephen said, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” The obedience and mercy displayed by Stephen during this brutal death portrays the influence of Jesus on his life, following His example of kindness and grace to his dying moments.


