The books of Old Testament History follow the story of the Israelite people. Immediately following the books of Old Testament Law, these books highlight the aftermath of the Israelites’ disobedience to God’s commands. 

Starting with Joshua, the successor of Moses, the Israelite people are led into the Promised Land of Canaan. Once they are settled, the Israelites appoint leaders and judges to rule over the land. Although God provides righteous judges and priests, the Israelites want to be like the other nations who are led by a king. Despite the warnings of God and the prophet Samuel, the Israelite people appoint a king named Saul. 

Saul, who started out as a promising king, ultimately failed the people of Israel. After Saul was an unlikely king, David, who was previously a lowly shepherd and musician. God loved David and promised to send Jesus from his line of ancestors, the line of Judah. 

David’s son Solomon succeeded him as king and was one of the wisest and wealthiest men who ever lived. Solomon, similar to his father David, had many moments of both righteousness and failure. David wrote the majority of the Psalms and Solomon wrote a portion of wisdom literature during this time (Old Testament Poetry). 

Following Solomon was king Rehoboam. Because of Rehoboam’s poor leadership and unrighteousness, the Israelites rebelled against him and followed another leader, Jeroboam, splitting the nation in two. Two of the tribes remained loyal to Rehoboam, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. These tribes became known as the southern kingdom of Judah. The other ten tribes, led by Jeroboam are referred to as the northern tribes. 

Throughout this time period, God sends prophets to warn the Israelites that their rebellion and deviation from God’s law will lead them to be removed from their land. After many messages of warning and opportunities for repentance, the Israelites do not turn back to God. Because of this, they are taken into captivity by different world powers and do not return to Canaan for seventy years. 

After the captivity, a remaining faithful remnant of Israelites returns to Jerusalem, the capital city of Judah. God helps establish the people and influences the rebuilding of the temple. Throughout the books of Old Testament history, God works to restore and redeem the Israelite people.