After speaking on the mountain, Jesus performs the miraculous act of healing a man with leprosy by reaching out and touching the man with the infectious disease. The man had faith in the abilities of Jesus, saying “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” Wanting to remain discreet, Jesus asks the man to remain quiet regarding the source of his healing.

When Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion or Roman military leader came to Jesus asking Him to heal his paralyzed servant. Jesus agrees to see the servant, but the centurion says he is not worthy of having Jesus enter his home and knows that Jesus could perform miracles from afar. Amazed by the faith of the Roman soldier, a non-Jewish man, Jesus immediately heals the paralyzed man.

Jesus is able to perform many miracles, including casting out demonic spirits and healing the sick. Jesus cures Simon’s mother-in-law who was ill with a high fever. Jesus fulfills the message of Isaiah 53:4, that He will remove grief and take away illness.

Jesus calls His followers into a life of surrender and selflessness. He tells a man who wants to bury his father before following Him that “the dead will bury the dead,” pointing to the spiritual death of those who did not follow Jesus.

When the disciples are on a boat with Jesus, a great storm comes, but Jesus remains asleep. The disciples wake Him, begging Him to save them from crashing or drowning. Jesus questions them, asking why they had little faith and why they are afraid. Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves, and the sea becomes calm. The men marvel at Jesus, realizing even the weather follows His commands!

Jesus heals two men who were possessed with demonic spirits, casting the spirits into a group of pigs. When the men were freed from the spirit, the pigs ran into the sea and drowned, showing the intensity and severity of the demonic spirit. Other men within the city go to see Jesus, and pressure Him to leave their city.


