A man named John, frequently referred to as John the Baptist or John the Baptizer, begins to prepare the way for Jesus to start His earthly ministry. John calls the people to repent, highlighting the nearness of Jesus by saying that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. John knows that God has sent a Savior and wants to prepare people to follow Jesus. John quotes the prophet Isaiah, saying he has come to prepare the way for the Lord and make His paths straight (Isaiah 40:3).

John the Baptist is described as wearing garments of camel hair and a leather belt around his waist. He was also known for eating honey and locusts, although it is debated whether the locusts were insects or if he ate from the pods of Carob trees, often called locusts, that contained sweet edible pulp.

John tells of the arrival of Jesus and many people follow Jesus as the Messiah before His death and resurrection. John preaches by the Jordan River and many people from Jerusalem and Judea listen to him, confess their sins, and are baptized. Baptism is an outward expression and a physical, public declaration of the inward decision to trust in Jesus as the Savior, made in response to salvation.

Some of the religious leaders of the time, called Sadducees and Pharisees, arrive at the Jordan. These leaders are known for their skepticism and legalistic view of the law. John is angry with them, calling them out for their pompous religiosity. It is not their ancestry or status that matters to God, but their hearts of repentance.

John says that the one who is coming after him, Jesus, is far greater and mightier. In comparison, John says he is unworthy to even carry the shoes of Jesus. John states that Jesus will clear the threshing floor and gather His wheat. Those who trust God’s plan and follow Jesus, symbolized as wheat in this analogy, will be set apart as believers of Christ.

Jesus travels from Galilee to be baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. John objects, telling Jesus that he should be the one to be baptized instead. Jesus is persistent and John baptizes Him as He requested. When Jesus comes out of the waters, the skies open up revealing God’s Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove. Along with the Holy Spirit, the voice of God, says “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all present in unison at the baptism of Jesus!


