Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins, a story of ten young women waiting to be married. These ten women each carried a lamp, but only five of them brought oil to replenish their lamps while waiting for their groom. Because they were not prepared, the five who did not bring oil had to go out and purchase more. The five women who thought to bring oil were welcomed into the wedding feast, but the others missed their chance to enter. This parable reiterates Jesus’ early message to be alert and awake, remaining watchful for God’s presence. Throughout Scripture, oil often symbolizes the presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was teaching that those who are attuned to God’s presence will enter into celebration.

Jesus shares another parable, telling of a wealthy ruler who was disliked by the citizens of his kingdom. The ruler distributed ten large sums of money, known as minas, to his servants. The servants were instructed to engage in business and grow the wealth they had been given while the ruler was away. Upon his return, the ruler asks to see what the servants had accomplished.

The first servant doubled the wealth, gaining ten more minas. Because he had been faithful with little, he was given authority over ten cities within the kingdom. Similarly, the second servant gained five minas and was given authority over five cities. The final servant kept the money hidden under a handkerchief, fearful of investing the money. Angered with his negligence, the ruler had the servant’s money given to the man who was able to double what he was given.

Jesus tells of His future return when He will sit on a glorious throne with the angels. Everyone from all of the nations will come before Him and they will be separated, just as a shepherd would separate sheep from goats.

Jesus tells the sheep that they will inherit the kingdom that was prepared for them, referencing eternity in heaven. Jesus says that the righteous provided for Him with food, water, clothing, and hospitality. Although they did not literally do these things for Jesus Himself, when they did these for someone in need, Jesus was honored by their actions.

On the other hand, Jesus felt persecuted by those who did not provide for people in need. Their negligence and selfishness to the poor and imprisoned insulted Jesus as their Creator and Savior. This illustration shows Jesus’ care for the disadvantaged and points to the coming judgment of those who have not put their faith in Him. For those who have been made righteous through Christ, they will be given eternal life.

Matthew 25:40 – And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’


