The Pharisees ask Jesus to provide a sign for them, proving that He was the Savior. Jesus refutes them, questioning how they could interpret the sky and the weather, but not understand the signs God has already provided them. Jesus references the sign of Jonah, comparing the prophet’s three days in the stomach of the whale to the three days He will soon spend in the grave.

The disciples, realizing that they have no bread, were concerned. Jesus questions their concerns and wonders why they would be worried after seeing Jesus provide for the thousands. Using the imagery of leaven influencing the entire batch of bread, Jesus warns the disciples against being influenced by the false teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

The crowds are unsure of Jesus’s identity and wonder if He is the reincarnation of John the Baptist or the prophet Elijah. Jesus asks Peter, “Who do you say I am?” and Peter responds, telling Jesus that he believes Jesus is the Savior and Son of God. Jesus confirms Peter’s faith and tells him that the truth of His identity was revealed to him by God. This chapter contains Jesus’ first mention of the church, the foundation on which the faith will prevail.

Jesus reveals to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, where He will suffer and die. After His death, Jesus will be raised again on the third day. Alarmed by this news, Peter interjects, telling Jesus that surely this will never happen to Him. Jesus responds harshly, by saying “Get behind me, Satan!” It is possible Jesus was referring to Peter as Satan or rebuking Satan for attempting to hinder God’s will and His plans for the cross through Peter. Because Jesus will ultimately prevail over death and sin, Satan is more afraid of the cross than Jesus!

Jesus challenges His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. Through this expression, Jesus reveals the means of His death upon the cross. Jesus says that those who give their life to following God will gain their life. Jesus questions why someone would want to gain the things of the world, but not care for their soul. Jesus highlights the importance of the eternal over the temporary.

Matthew 16:26 – For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?


