Herodias, the wife of Herod, wanted John the Baptist killed. Herodias was previously married to Herod’s half-brother, and John the Baptist called her and Herod’s union unlawful. During Herod’s birthday celebration, Herod promised Herodias’s daughter that he would provide her with anything she asked. Influenced by her mother, Herodias, she asks for John the Baptist’s head on a platter. Keeping his promise, Herod beheads John the Baptist and his head is given to Herodias’s daughter. The disciples bury John’s body and go to tell Jesus the tragic news.

When Jesus hears of John’s death, He withdraws on a boat with the disciples. Jesus is seen on the boat, and great crowds of people follow Him to the shore. Jesus has compassion on the people and heals the sick among them. Later that evening, the disciples ask Jesus to send away the crowds, instructing them to find something to eat. Instead of dismissing the people, Jesus miraculously feeds them. Using only five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus blessed the food, and there was an abundant amount, feeding over five thousand! Not only was there enough food to feed everyone, but there were also twelve baskets leftover to sustain the disciples on their journey.

After feeding the crowd, Jesus sent His disciples into their boat to continue with their travels. Instead of joining them on the boat, Jesus spent time alone in prayer. In the middle of the night, Jesus is alone on land, and the boat with His disciples was out at sea. Jesus, having authority over creation, walks upon the water, making His way towards the disciples. When they see Jesus, they are afraid, thinking He is a ghost. Jesus speaks to them, telling them not to be afraid.

Peter responds to Jesus, asking Jesus to allow him to also step upon the waters. Jesus calls Peter, and he is able to walk on the water towards Jesus! When Peter becomes distracted by the winds, taking his eyes off of Jesus, he begins to sink. Peter calls out for Jesus and Jesus reaches His hand towards Peter. Jesus calms the storm, and returns with Peter to the boat, and asks why Peter had doubted him. Jesus saves Peter before questioning him, showing that His grace comes before His correction. After this encounter, the disciples worship Jesus as the Son of God.

When they cross the sea and arrive at Gennesaret, Jesus is recognized by many. He heals all who are sick. Similar to the hemorrhaging woman in Matthew 9, the people of Gennesaret believe that a simple touch of the fringe of Jesus’ garment is enough to make them well.


