Jesus chooses twelve apostles, men who are His disciples and devout followers. These men were Peter (Simon), James (Brother of John), John, Andrew, Phillip, Nathanael (Bartholomew), Matthew (Levi), Thomas, James, Thaddeus (Judas), Simon, and Judas Iscariot. Jesus gives these men the authority to preach, cast out demons, and heal diseases.

Jesus sends out His disciples, instructing them to find the lost sheep and proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is near. The disciples are told to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons. Because they have received without paying, they are to give without receiving payment.

Jesus wants the disciples to rely on God for provision during their travels, instructing them to stay with those who receive and welcome them. If they are turned away, they are not to worry. In the end, God will bring judgment on those who reject the disciples of Jesus.

Jesus tells the disciples they will be like sheep in the midst of wolves and encourages them to be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. The disciples will be persecuted and accused before judges, but God’s Spirit will provide them with the correct words to speak. Jesus encourages the disciples not to be anxious, but trust that God will deliver them.

Jesus warns the disciples that they will be rejected because of their message and hated because of Jesus. Despite their persecution, Jesus encourages them to endure. Because the people reject Jesus, they will surely dismiss the disciples as well.

Whatever Jesus tells the disciples privately, they are to bring to light. What Jesus whispers to them, they are to boldly proclaim. Jesus reassures the disciples, telling them not to be afraid. Although there will be people who want to kill them, they can only kill the body and cannot kill the spirit. Jesus says that the Father is aware of the death of every sparrow, and the disciples are worth far greater value to God than the sparrows. God knows the number of hairs on each of their heads, caring for them personally and intimately.

Instead of bringing peace to the earth, Jesus has brought a sword. Although His message is ultimately one of peace, His bold claims to be the Savior are considered blasphemous and met with persecution.

Jesus requires love greater than that of a family and calls His disciples to take up their own cross and follow Him. This imagery focuses on the suffering that the disciples will face for their faith and conviction. Jesus says that those who lose their life for His sake will find life. Although Jesus will face death on a cross, there will be redemption and life on the other side. Jesus is calling the disciples into the same way of life. He promises rewards to the righteous, saying their good deeds will not go unnoticed.


