Matthew records the genealogy of Jesus, connecting Him with multiple Old Testament leaders. Starting with Abraham, whom God chose to make a great nation that would bless the Israelite people (Genesis 12). Matthew also includes that Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, which fulfilled Jacob’s blessing over Judah (Genesis 49).

It is notable that Matthew included women in the genealogy, which was uncommon for this time period. Matthew specifically includes Rahab, a prostitute who helped the Israelite spies (Joshua 2) and Ruth, a non-Israelite woman who turned toward God in faith. In God’s plan to send Jesus, He used unlikely people, including foreigners, non-believers, and people with scandalous pasts.

Another significant aspect of this genealogy is the relationship between David and Jesus. As a descendant of David, Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to David that an eternal throne would be established from his line (2 Samuel 7).

Between the time of Abraham and David, there were fourteen generations recorded. From David until the Babylonian captivity, there were fourteen generations recorded. After the captivity, until the birth of Jesus, there were fourteen more generations, recording forty-two generations between Abraham and Jesus. Matthew's genealogy establishes Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and emphasizes the continuity of God's plan throughout history.

God chooses Mary and Joseph, both from the lineage of David, to be the earthly parents of Jesus. When Mary is told that she will conceive a child through the Holy Spirit, she is a young virgin woman engaged to be married to Joseph. Joseph is alarmed by the news of Mary’s pregnancy and wants to quietly divorce her. In this time, it was common for an engagement or betrothal to be legally binding, so Joseph could not simply leave Mary.

An angel then appears to Joseph and explains that Mary will give birth to a Son conceived by the Holy Spirit who will be named Jesus. Mary’s Son will save God’s people from their sins and will be called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” Joseph is obedient to the angel and marries Mary, who soon gave birth to a Son named Jesus, fulfilling Isaiah 7:14.
