Among the disciples, there are multiple women traveling with Jesus, including Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus previously healed from demonic oppression (Luke 8:1-3). Mary Magdalene was a disciple of Jesus and one of His ministry’s financial supporters.

.He continues teaching and shares a parable about a sower distributing seeds across four different terrains, each representing a response to the gospel message.

First, Jesus describes seeds that fell along a path and were quickly eaten by birds. These seeds represent those who hear God's word, but do not understand. The enemy attempts to distort or snatch away the Good News, leaving people without comprehension of God’s word.

Jesus describes the second group of seeds, which fall onto rocky ground with little soil. Immediately, these seeds sprout up, but are unable to establish deep roots and become scorched in the heat. These seeds are representative of those who hear God’s word, respond quickly and intensely, but do not engage deeply and fall away once trials arrive.

The third group of seeds are scattered among thorns. Although these seeds grow, they are eventually suffocated by the thorns. These seeds are representative of those who hear God’s word, but become distracted by other pursuits.

Finally, Jesus describes the seeds that fall on good soil and produce grain. These seeds produce fruit one hundredfold, representative of those who hear and understand the word of God.

Jesus calls His followers to be like a light on a lampstand, giving glory to God for all to see. He also warns that everything will eventually be brought to light, nothing will remain hidden or secret from God.

Jesus’ mother and brothers attempt to reach Him, but could not get past the crowd. When He is told that they had arrived, Jesus calls everyone who hears and follows God’s word part of His family.

During a great storm, Jesus is asleep on a boat with His disciples. The disciples wake Him, begging Him to save them from crashing or drowning. Jesus questions them, asking why they have little faith and why they are afraid. He then rebukes the wind and the waves and the sea becomes calm. The men marvel at Him, realizing even the weather follows His commands.

Jesus heals a man named Legion, who is possessed with demonic spirits. He casts the spirits into a group of pigs, causing them to run into the sea and drown. Legion proclaims that Jesus saved him.

Jesus encounters a woman who has been suffering for twelve years from hemorrhaging blood. The woman believes Jesus is so powerful, she would be healed if she could only touch the fringe of His clothing. This fringe was a symbol of God’s law that many Israelites wore on their clothing (Numbers 15, Deuteronomy 22). He realizes that she was healed and acknowledges her incredible faith.

Jairus, a leader of the synagogue, approaches Jesus, asking Him to heal his dying daughter. Jesus claims that the girl is not dead but instead is sleeping. Upon saying this, the crowd laughs in disbelief. When He enters the home, He takes the girl by the hand and she wakes up!


