As Jesus is passing through Jericho, a rich tax collector named Zacchaeus searches for Him. Because he is smaller in stature and could not see Jesus over the crowds, Zacchaeus climbs into a sycamore tree to see Him. Noticing Zacchaeus in the tree, Jesus calls out to him by name. Jesus informs Zacchaeus that He would be staying with him, and Zacchaeus joyfully welcomes Him into his home. Because Zacchaeus is a tax collector, the people who saw this question why Jesus would stay within the home of a sinner. He tells Zacchaeus that He has come to seek those who are lost and that salvation has arrived.

Jesus shares a parable of a wealthy ruler who is disliked by the citizens of his kingdom. The ruler distributes ten large sums of money, known as minas, to his servants. The servants were instructed to engage in business and grow the wealth they had been given while the ruler is away. Upon his return, the ruler asks to see what the servants had accomplished.

The first servant doubled the wealth, gaining ten more minas. Because he had been faithful with little, he is given authority over ten cities within the kingdom. Similarly, the second servant gained five minas and is given authority over five cities. The final servant kept the money hidden under a handkerchief, fearful of investing the money. Angered with his negligence, the ruler has the servant’s money given to the man who was able to double what he was given.

After this teaching, Jesus continues towards Jerusalem. While He is in Bethany near the Mount of Olives, He sends two of the disciples to bring him a colt or young donkey. The disciples place their cloaks on the donkey. As He rides the donkey down the Mount of Olives, He fulfills the prophecy of Zechariah, who claimed that the Savior would enter Jerusalem with humility, mounted on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9).

The crowd places their cloaks along the road, paving the way for His entrance. As Jesus draws near, the people praise God. The disciples rejoice, saying “Blessed is the name of the king who comes in the name of the Lord,” which Jesus prophesied in Luke 13. The disciples were rebuked for praising Jesus, but He responds saying that if the disciples are silenced, even the rocks will cry out to Him in praise!

After entering Jerusalem, Jesus mourns for the city. He loves the people of Jerusalem, but they do not accept Him as the Savior. Knowing that the city would face future destruction, Jesus prophesies that Jerusalem will be surrounded by their enemies and torn to the ground.

After entering the temple, Jesus drives out the people who are selling items for sacrifice. He is protective over this holy place, desiring for it to be a place of prayer and teaching.


