Jesus encounters a disabled man with swollen joints at the synagogue. The Pharisees question Him, confronting him for healing on the Sabbath day. Jesus responds, asking them rhetorically if they would save one of their animals from falling into a pit on the Sabbath. Seeing the value of this man more highly than the value of an ox, the Pharisees were unable to answer Him.

While attending a wedding feast, Jesus shares a parable. He encourages humility, criticizing those who scramble for the best seat at an event and says to leave an open seat, giving a place for those who are more distinguished. It is more righteous to be asked to move up a seat than to be humbled and asked to move down. Whoever exalts themselves will be humbled, but whoever humbles themselves will be exalted. Jesus values humility and consideration over pride and entitlement.

Similarly, Jesus encourages the host to invite the poor and afflicted to their feast. Although they will not be able to repay financially, the generosity of the invitation will ultimately be repaid. Jesus tells a parable, explaining reasons someone might turn down an invitation to a great banquet, including caring for land, animals, and family. All of these things, although blessings from God, can be distractions. When the poor and needy are invited to the great banquet, they gladly accept. He uses this parable to express that those who are in the greatest need rely on God with the greatest faith. Those who are affluent have financial and emotional support that can distract from their dependance on God.

Jesus challenges His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. He uses powerful language, saying His disciples must hate their parents, spouses, and siblings. Evident from His other teaching, He does not desire for His disciples to hate, but instead love their neighbor. This language simply iterates that Jesus must be the greatest priority in the lives of His followers, causing them to hate everyone else in comparison to their love for Him. He expresses that His followers must evaluate the cost of discipleship. Although there is a cost associated with following Him, the cost of not following Him is greater.

Jesus teaches that salt without taste is worthless, calling for everyone to hear and listen to his message.


