Using the imagery of leaven influencing the entire batch of bread, Jesus warns the disciples against being influenced by the hypocritical teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees. He explains that nothing covered up will remain hidden and what has been whispered in private will be shouted from the rooftops.

Jesus reassures the disciples, telling them not to be afraid. Although there will be people who want to kill them, they can only kill the body and cannot kill the spirit. He says that the Father is aware of the death of every sparrow and the disciples are worth far greater value to God than the sparrows. God knows the number of hairs on each of their heads, caring for them personally and intimately.

Jesus teaches that those who respond to His message with misunderstanding or ignorance can be forgiven. But those who contribute the work of Jesus to Satan, saying that He is a force for evil, will not be forgiven.

As Jesus is teaching, a man asks Him for guidance on splitting an inheritance with his brother. He responds, not providing him with financial advice but wisdom regarding his values. Jesus warns the man to guard against greed and materialism and shares a parable about a wealthy farmer with an abundant crop. Instead of sharing with those in need, the farmer builds an entire barn to hoard his harvest.

Jesus encourages trust in God's provision and warns against excessive worry about material needs. God provides food for the birds and beauty for the lilies, but cares far more for His people and will provide far more for them. God knows the needs of His people and will provide when they seek His righteousness. Jesus acknowledges the anxiety of humanity and does not dismiss the troubles of the world, but invites them into greater peace and rest.

Jesus teaches the disciples to remain prepared with hopeful anticipation. Alluding to His return after His death and resurrection, Jesus says that He will come at an unexpected time. He challenges His disciples, telling them that because they have been entrusted with much, more will be required of them. The disciples have an insider perspective of the life of Jesus, giving them the great responsibility of sharing His message and teaching.

Instead of bringing peace to the Earth, the life of Jesus brought division amongst the people. Jesus questions the people, asking how they could interpret the sky and the weather, but not understand that He was sent from God. They understand the meaning of the coming rain clouds, but cannot discern that Jesus is the Savior by His miraculous signs. Just as they would use their judgment in a criminal case, He wants the people to use the judgment to discern His identity as Christ.


Luke 12:32 – Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.


