In the town of Bethany, a close friend of Jesus, Lazarus, falls seriously ill. Mary and Martha are his sisters. Jesus is sent a message, saying that “the one whom you love is ill.” He says that his sickness would not lead to death, but is intended to show God’s glory.

After hearing the news of Lazarus' illness, Jesus strangely chooses to stay where He is for two more days. His disciples, particularly Thomas, are apprehensive about returning to Judea, because people are plotting to kill Jesus for His claims of being the Christ.

When Jesus eventually arrives in Bethany, Lazarus has already been in the tomb for four days. Martha, one of Lazarus's sisters, expresses her belief that if Jesus had come earlier, Lazarus would not have died. Even still, she maintains her faith in Jesus' relation to God and His ability to perform miracles.

Jesus tells Martha that Lazarus will rise again, but she misunderstands His reference, thinking He is speaking of a spiritual resurrection, not a literal one. Jesus boldly declares, "I am the resurrection and the life," to which Martha affirms her faith in Him as the Savior.

Mary, the other sister, is called by Jesus while she is weeping. Upon seeing her sorrow, Jesus is deeply moved and weeps. Although He knows that Lazarus will be healed, He shows empathy and feels the emotion of the present moment.

Jesus proceeds to the tomb, where Lazarus was buried, and asks for the stone to be rolled away. Martha warns Him of the odor due to Lazarus having been in the tomb for four days. Jesus thanks God for always hearing His prayers and asks that this act serve as witness to the people, leading them to believe in Him as the one sent by God.

After thanking and praising God, Jesus calls Lazarus forth from the tomb, and miraculously, Lazarus emerges alive. Many who witnessed this extraordinary event come to believe in Jesus, just as He had requested of God.

Despite this miraculous act, some respond with offense instead of conviction. The Pharisees and religious leaders grow concerned about Jesus' growing influence and fear that His influence would upset the Roman authorities. Caiaphas, the high priest, prophesied that Jesus would die to gather God's children, leading to a sinister plot to kill Him.

To escape the threat of death, Jesus retreats with His disciples to the town of Ephraim, where He could evade the religious leaders' plans to capture and arrest Him.


