Jesus teaches that whoever climbs over the gate of a sheep pen instead of using the gate clearly has poor motives or has come to steal the sheep. The disciples do not understand this figure of speech, so Jesus explains that they have an enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Just like a good shepherd protects his sheep, Jesus will lay down His life to bring full, abundant lives to His sheep.

Jesus claims to be the gate for the sheep, describing Himself as the source of entry to knowing God. He says that His role as the shepherd is greater than a hired hand. He doesn’t work to earn a living; He personally cares for the sheep and puts them before Himself. Jesus mentions that He has other sheep, not yet in this flock. He wants those who do not believe to become part of God’s family and recognize His voice.

The prophet Ezekiel previously compared the corrupt rules of Israel to bad shepherds and prophesied that God would one day send a good shepherd (Ezekiel 34). In John 10:14, Jesus calls Himself the good shepherd and explains that He will lay down His life on His own accord to fulfill God’s plan for salvation. After hearing this, the Pharisees were again divided, some believing in Jesus and others claiming He is possessed.

During the Feast of Dedication, commonly known as Hanukkah, the disciples ask how long they will be kept waiting in suspense. They want a direct answer from Jesus and confirmation that He is the Savior. Jesus has provided both verbal and physical signs that He is the Savior, showing them His authority from God with His teaching and miracles.

Jesus explains that His great works are witness to His relation to God. Continuing the message of the good shepherd, Jesus tells the disciples that those who follow Him will never perish and will be protected from their enemies. He confirms His identity to the disciples, saying that He and the Father are one.

Upon hearing this statement, many Jewish people are offended and throw rocks at Jesus, wanting to stone Him. Jesus questions the people and calls them to remember the good works He has done. The people are not outraged by His works, but that He has claimed to be the Son of God. He does not back down and continues to claim that He and the Father are one.

The people want to arrest Jesus, but He is able to leave and travel towards the Jordan River. Many of the people believe Him and reflect on the claims of John the Baptist that Jesus proved to be true.

John 10:10 – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


