For the fifth plague, God tells Moses and Aaron to warn Pharaoh that if he does not free the Israelites, a plague will kill off all the Egyptians’ livestock. The next day, the livestock of the Egyptians are plagued, but the livestock of the Israelites are preserved. 

God tells Moses and Aaron to take handfuls of soot from the kiln and throw them up in the air in the sight of Pharaoh. After they throw the soot, painful boils cover the Egyptians. The magicians are unable to stand before Moses because they are so covered in the boils. Still, Pharaoh's heart is hardened. 

God tells Moses and Aaron to warn Pharaoh that He is going to send hail. God has Moses and Aaron tell Pharaoh that he could have easily been killed already, but God wants him to live so that he can see God’s power and glorify His name. 

God tells the Israelites to take shelter and He protects them. God also protects the servants of Pharaoh who turn to Him! He is so generous to those who trust in him. Moses stretches his hand towards heaven and God sends a storm of thunder, hail, fire, and lightning. 

During the storm, Pharaoh calls Aaron and Moses and admits his sin against God, asking them to pray for the hail and thunder to go away. Pharaoh even promises to free the Israelites.

So Moses prays to God, asking Him to stop the storm. Once the storm stops, Pharaoh's heart is hardened again, and he does not free the Israelites as he earlier promised. Similar to wanting God’s blessing without showing obedience, Pharaoh calls on God only in times of trouble and then ignores his promises when he gets what he wants from God. 


