Seven days later, God tells Moses to warn Pharaoh that if he does not let the Israelites go, the next plague will be frogs. Still, Pharaoh does not listen. 

Aaron stretches out his hand over the river and frogs cover the land. Again, the magicians are also able to make frogs appear.

Pharaoh asks Moses to pray for God to get rid of the frogs. Moses prays and the frogs cease. After all the frogs die, Pharaoh's heart is hardened again, and he does not listen to Moses or God’s instruction to free the Israelites. 

For the third plague, God tells Moses and Aaron to strike the dust of the earth and produce gnats that cover the land. This time, the magicians attempt to create gnats, but they are unable to. When they see this, they try to convince Pharaoh that this plague is from God, but Pharoah still does not listen because his heart is hardened. 

God tells Moses and Aaron to warn Pharaoh that if he does not free the Israelites to worship there will be a fourth plague coming as swarms of flies. God tells Moses and Aaron that He will not affect the land of Goshen, where the Israelites live. God wants to make sure there is a clear distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites, defining the Israelites as God’s people. When Pharaoh does not listen, the flies swarm over Egypt. 

Pharaoh asks Moses and Aaron to pray to get rid of the flies. Once God stops sending the flies, Pharaoh's heart returns to its hardened state. He wants the blessings of God without showing obedience to God.  


