God tells Moses and Aaron that the people of Israel are to kill a lamb without any blemishes as a sacrifice on a specific day. They were to take the blood of the lamb and use a hyssop branch to spread it on the top and sides of their doorposts, which would typically be in the shape of a cross. God explains that this is called Passover and those who do this will be passed over by the plague and not afflicted. After Passover, there will be a Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days. The unleavened bread represents the swiftness in which the Israelites would leave Egypt. Once God sends the tenth plague, there is no time for the bread to rise. 

After instructing the Israelites on the Passover rituals, God strikes down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt. This applied to everyone besides the Israelites—the rulers, the people in prison, and even the livestock all lose their firstborn to the plague. 

Pharaoh awoke because of the great cries throughout Egypt. This loss was catastrophic! He told Moses and Aaron to leave Egypt, just as God said would happen. Before leaving Egypt, God instructs the Israelites to plunder the Egyptians, taking valuable items before they leave. By this time, there are 600,000 Hebrew men plus women, children, and livestock. 

God institutes Passover as an annual remembrance of God’s provision for the Israelites and their freedom from Egypt. 

Exodus 12:13 - The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt.


Plague #1 – Blood in the Nile 

  • God turns the water in the Nile River into blood. 

  • Magicians are able to do this as well. 

  • Connection to the first miracle of Jesus: Water to Blood / Water to Wine 

  • Done by Aaron striking the Nile with the staff. 

Plague #2 – Frogs 

  • Frogs cover every inch of land in Egypt.

  • Magicians are able to do this as well. 

  • Pharaoh asks Moses and Aaron to pray to get rid of the frogs. 

  • Done by Aaron stretching out his hand with his staff.

Plague #3 – Gnats

  • Gnats swarm everywhere, covering the land. 

  • Magicians are not able to do this. 

  • Done by Aaron striking the dust of the earth. 

Plague #4 – Flies 

  • Flies fill the land of Egypt. 

  • No mention of the magicians. 

  • Does not affect the land of Goshen, where the Israelites live. 

  • Pharaoh asks Moses and Aaron to pray to get rid of the flies. 

  • Done by God sending the swarms of flies. 

Plague #5 – Death of Livestock 

  • The Egyptians’ livestock—all horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats—die. 

  • God created livestock on the fifth day, and the death of livestock was the fifth plague. 

  • Does not affect the Israelites, only affects the Egyptians. 

  • No mention of the magicians.

  • Done by God sending the death of the livestock. 

Plague #6 – Boils 

  • Boils break out on the Egyptians; this is the first plague to be life-threatening to them. 

  • The magicians cannot stand before Moses because they are affected by the boils. 

  • Does not affect the Israelites, only affects the Egyptians. 

  • Done by Moses tossing handfuls of soot into the air. 

Plague #7 – Hail 

  • The worst hailstorm Egypt ever experienced. 

  • No mention of the magicians. 

  • Does not affect the land of Goshen, where the Israelites live. 

  • Pharaoh asks Moses and Aaron to pray to get rid of the storm. Pharaoh even admits that the storm is because of his sin, but Moses knows it is not sincere.  

  • Done by Moses stretching his hand towards heaven. 

Plague #8 – Locusts 

  • Locusts flock to the land of Egypt. 

  • No mention of the magicians. 

  • Only Egypt is mentioned as affected by locusts, not Goshen.  

  • Done by Moses stretching out his hand with his staff. 

Plague #9 – Darkness 

  • Egypt is pitch black for three days, but the land of the Israelites has light. 

  • Similar to the crucifixion.

  • No mention of the magicians. 

  • Done by Moses stretching his hand towards heaven and God sending a great darkness. 

Plague #10 – Death of the Firstborn Son 

  • Affects all the firstborns of Egypt, but not the Israelites who God “passed over.” 

  • Prophetic of the death of Jesus. 

  • Done by God passing through the land. 


