Paul and Silas arrive in Lystra, where they meet a highly regarded man named Timothy. Timothy is half-Jewish and half-Greek. Paul wants to recruit Timothy to join their mission, but first has him circumcised so he wouldn’t lose influence among the Jewish people they are hoping to reach. As they travel, they share the news that the Gentiles can become followers of Jesus through faith alone. The people gladly accept this news, and the church continues to grow in strength and numbers.

Paul, Silas, and Timothy travel through ​​Phrygia and Galatia. The Holy Spirit leads their travels and prevents them from visiting certain areas at the time. Instead of going towards Asia, Paul receives a vision to preach to the people of Macedonia. Following God’s direction, they travel towards Europe to speak in Macedonia.

While visiting the Roman city of Philippi, Paul, Silas, and Timothy are met by a group of women. One of the women, Lydia, hears the men praying and God gives her a heart of understanding. Lydia trusts in God, believes in Jesus, and is baptized. Lydia shares the news with her household and generously welcomes the disciples into her home.

As Paul and Silas are going to pray, they encounter a psychic who practices fortune telling and divination. Because she is a slave, she relies on evil practices as her source of financial well-being. Paul speaks to her and removes the unclean spirit within her. The owners of the slave girl become angry and blame Paul and Silas for causing disruption. The Roman leaders sentence them to be beaten and imprisoned. Paul and Silas are shackled within the inner prison and kept under strict security.

Remaining faithful despite their circumstances, Paul and Silas spend their time in prison praying and singing hymns to God. Suddenly there is a great earthquake and immediately the prison doors are opened, freeing all of the prisoners.

Realizing he would be killed for the prisoners’ escape, one of the prison guards takes out his sword, preparing to kill himself. Stopping him before this could happen, Paul calls out to the guard. Paul shares the message of Jesus with the prison guard, instructing him to believe in Jesus for salvation. The prison guard believes and is baptized immediately!

The prison guard advocates for Paul and Silas and gets permission for them to leave the prison. When the officers see that Paul and Silas are Roman citizens, they apologize and escort them from the prison. After being freed, they visit Lydia before continuing on their mission.


