1 JOHN 5


John states that those who have received God’s love are called to keep His commandments. Once believers have been influenced by God’s great love, keeping the law will not be burdensome. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has displayed His victory over the world. Because of God’s promise for eternal life, God’s people have also overcome the world. These words of John resemble his gospel message, where Jesus encourages His disciples to take heart, for He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Providing witnesses for the message of Jesus, John states that the spirit, water, and blood testify for Christ. John is referencing the baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3), the crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 27), and Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1). Whoever believes in the testimony of Jesus also believes in God, which leads to eternal life.

John desires for believers to spread the news of Jesus and have confidence in their salvation. Jesus has given God’s people understanding, so that they can acknowledge Him as the true Son of God. John says that Jesus is the true God and source of eternal life. Ending his letter abruptly, John urges his audience to stay away from idols. After advocating for the supremacy of Jesus, John does not want believers to be distracted by anything less than God.


1 JOHN 4