1 JOHN 4


Advising against believing false teachers, John teaches believers to test what they are hearing to discern if it is true. Whoever claims to speak on God’s behalf but does not focus on Jesus does not speak the truth. Because John believes that Jesus is both fully God and fully man, he does not trust false prophets who do not confess that Jesus is God in the flesh. Since God’s people have been given access to God’s Holy Spirit, they are able to discern God’s Word and not be swayed by lies. John calls the distorted message of the false teachers “the spirit of error.”

John credits God as the source of love. Whoever does not love does not know God; they cannot exist without each other. God loves his creation so much that he sent Jesus, the perfect embodiment of love. For those who have accepted God’s love, John calls them to love one another like Jesus loved them. God’s love for humanity is revealed through the cross. Because of God’s perfect love, believers no longer have to fear death or judgment.

1 John 4:19 - We love because he first loved us.


1 JOHN 3


1 JOHN 5