Paul reflects on the faith of Abraham, the man God used to establish His chosen people, the Israelites (Genesis 12-17). Although Abraham and his wife Sarah were old in age and unable to have children, God made Abraham the father of many nations. Through Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, the twelve tribes of Israel were established (Genesis 35).

Knowing that the Jewish people who converted to Christianity saw Abraham as the founder and patriarch of the faith, Paul emphasizes Abraham’s faithfulness over his own acts of righteousness. Not only did Abraham not keep the law, the law did not even exist at the time of Abraham! The law was not given to the Israelites until over four hundred years after the time of Abraham. Paul writes this, not only as a reminder of the history of their faith, but as an argument for faith over works. Although the law is valuable, it is not what made Abraham right before God. God chose Abraham and he was justified by his faith in God, not his righteousness or rule-following.

Paul offers hope to the believers in Rome, encouraging them that their faith in Jesus has reconciled them with God, not their ability (or lack thereof) to keep the law. What a relief! God made Abraham the father of many nations, not just the nation of Israel. Being welcomed into God’s family has nothing to do with heritage, nationality, background, or even righteousness. Instead, Paul writes that it all depends on faith. Through Jesus, God has restored the relationship with humanity by grace, through faith.

Paul reminds believers that Abraham believed God and was fully convinced that God was able to do what he promised. Although Abraham lived long before the time of Jesus, Abraham trusted God’s character to keep His promises. Abraham, and all the followers of God before Jesus had hope in God’s character and promises that He would send a Savior. For all believers after the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, our hope lies within God’s fulfillment of His promises! It was Abraham’s faith that made him righteous—and it is our hope also!


