In 1 Kings 3, God told Solomon to ask for anything he desired, and Solomon chose wisdom. God was pleased with this request and gave Solomon additional gifts of wealth and a long life. Solomon compiled proverbs, or pieces of advice, to share his wisdom with the Israelites.
Solomon starts this book of wisdom literature by stating that the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. Solomon encourages those who are already wise to continue pursuing wisdom and increasing their understanding. Solomon believes that the pursuit of wisdom is wise in itself and that only fools despise wisdom, instruction, and knowledge.
The first nine chapters of Proverbs are written as a father advising his son. The father first instructs the son to listen to the teaching of his parents, avoid being enticed by sinners, and flee from greed and unjust gain. Of course, this wisdom also applies to the current reader as well.
Throughout Proverbs, wisdom is personified as a woman. Solomon encourages readers to listen to the voice of wisdom and seek knowledge before calamity strikes. The wise woman says that the foolish will eat the fruit of their way, referencing when Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 3. Wisdom is warning us to choose God’s way over our own.
The chapter ends by saying that whoever listens to wisdom will dwell securely and be at ease, without dread of disaster. Solomon believes that listening to God’s Word not only brings wisdom but also understanding and peace.
Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
This chapter encourages the reader to store wisdom like a treasure because it is worth far more than silver. Solomon credits God as the source of all wisdom, explaining that God is the giver of all wisdom and that knowledge and understanding come from His mouth.
Solomon describes God’s wisdom as a shield and a guard, focusing on the protective power of His wisdom. Not only does God’s wisdom preserve us, but it is also pleasant to the soul.
God’s discretion and wisdom will guard us from devious people, including wicked men and adulteress women. These evildoers will be cut off from the land, but the righteous will inhabit the land. Although there are exceptions to these rules, this chapter gives general advice to set oneself up for success.
Solomon writes that God’s teaching will add years to your life and peace in your heart. To remember God’s commandments, Solomon says to bind His Word around your neck and write them on the tablet of your heart, keeping God’s Word near to you.
Solomon advises trusting in the Lord with all your heart and not leaning on your own understanding. Solomon knows that God’s ways are better than his own and that God is trustworthy. God’s Word is healing to the flesh and refreshing to the bones.
Solomon is very wealthy but values wisdom over everything. He writes that gaining wisdom and understanding is better than silver, gold, and precious jewels. The chapter continues by challenging the reader to honor God with their wealth, saying that they will have an abundance if they are generous. The wise do not withhold good from those who deserve it and do not send away those in need. As seen throughout Scripture, God will scorn the wicked, but give favor to the humble.
God disciplines and corrects those He loves, so we should not be weary of God’s reproof. Because of God’s wisdom, the wise do not have to be afraid of the future or sudden calamity. Instead, the wise will sleep well, knowing that God will provide.
This chapter instructs that wisdom, insight, and understanding are valuable and worth protecting. The author believes that when we fill our hearts and minds with wisdom, it overflows into the person we become. Your heart is worth protecting, so guard it with vigilance.
Many times in this passage, the father encourages his son to avoid the path of the wicked and instead take the path of the upright. The chapter ends by challenging the reader to ponder the path of their feet so that they can be sure of their ways. It takes consideration and attention to gain wisdom, but it is worth the effort.
This entire chapter consists of the father warning his son to stay away from adultery. The father describes the forbidden woman as having lips that drip with honey, but tells the son that she is bitter and not sweet. The path of adultery leads to death, not to pleasure.
The chapter does not place blame on the woman alone and tells the man to not go near an adulterous woman’s home or seek her out. Instead, the chapter encourages the man to be intoxicated with his wife and adore only her.
Instead of focusing on one area of wisdom like the previous chapter, this chapter consists of the father advising his son across multiple areas of life. He starts by warning his son against loaning or owing money to a neighbor. Although this is not against God’s law, it can be difficult and cause a strain on relationships. Instead of being able to be free and generous, it can feel like being chased or stuck.
The author warns against laziness, saying that even ants have a better work ethic than the lazy. Poverty is lurking around for the lazy, waiting to catch up with them.
God hates arrogance, lies, murder, wickedness, evil, and trouble. Do not entertain these things, they are worthless to God. Stay away from your neighbor’s wife, for no one who commits adultery will go without consequences. God’s Word is described as a light and lamp, similarly to Psalm 119:105.
The father again warns his son to avoid sexual sin and adultery. Both David and Solomon struggled to live faithfully and honor women, which may be the reason this subject is so heavily emphasized and repeated.
Instead of listening to the adulterous woman described in chapter seven, the author values the voice of wisdom. Wisdom calls out for everyone to listen, for the simple people to gain prudence and the fools to gain sense.
When following the voice of wisdom, counsel, discretion, prudence, knowledge, and righteousness will follow. Foolishness will lead to death, but wisdom will lead to life. The personified woman of wisdom leaves an inheritance to those who love her, giving them great treasures.
Wisdom has been around forever; she was present with God at creation. Blessed are the ones who keep the ways of wisdom and do not neglect instruction. Whoever finds wisdom finds life and favor from God, but those who do not find injury and death.
Wisdom has established a home and set a place for us at her table. We are invited to participate in growing in God’s wisdom and insight.
Foolish people mock wisdom and do not want to gain insight, but the wise welcome corrections and become even wiser. The righteous are open to teaching, learning, and growing.
Because God is the source of wisdom, being in awe of God is the place to start gaining wisdom. The pursuit of wisdom leads to life, but the pursuit of nonsense leads to trouble.
Solomon transitions from the tone of a father instructing his son to one of providing universal advice. Solomon’s proverbs are short, catchy phrases, most of which contrast two opposite characteristics. For example, “whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his way crooked will be found out” (v 9). Solomon writes that whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. Solomon knows that others influence our decisions and that keeping wise company allows us to grow in wisdom.
For those who have placed their trust in God, they can look to the future with hope and joy. But the wicked will be disappointed and not have their expectations fulfilled. Our selfish desires will never be as good as what God has to offer!
Throughout the book of Proverbs, Solomon references our words and the power of speech. The chapter ends by saying that the lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked speaks what is perverse.
Solomon contrasts the disgrace and foolishness of pride with the integrity and humility of wisdom. The righteous will be diverted from trouble, but the foolish are willing to walk into it instead. People will rejoice when the righteous do well but will celebrate when the wicked are defeated.
Solomon advises seeking wise counsel, saying that where there is no guidance there is failure, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Although there is wisdom in sharing and asking for help, not everything needs to be said. Solomon also shares the wisdom in avoiding gossip and belittling others.
Solomon encourages generosity, saying that the person who gives freely will grow richer, but the person who is withholding will be left wanting. Riches, although they are a blessing, are not what we should place our trust in. Instead, those who trust in God will flourish and bloom!
A beautiful woman without discretion is described as like a gold ring on a pig's snout, meaning her value and potential have been wasted. This image shows how God values wisdom over physical appearance.
Solomon contrasts the difference between the permanent nature of wisdom and the fleeting nature of wickedness. Wisdom is planted like deep roots that cannot be moved, establishing those who are wise. The wicked will be overthrown and not established, but the house of the righteous will stay standing.
Those who are righteous will be rewarded with good, and their hard work will come back to them. The wise will be commended according to their good discernment. Those who are righteous show mercy and kindness, even to the animals in their field.
The wise are careful in what they say and what they listen to, both seeking advice and ignoring insults. Harsh words can be as harmful as a sword, but wise words bring healing. Lying lips are an abomination to God, but He delights in us when we act faithfully. This chapter shows how powerful our words are, even saying that they can gladden the heart of the anxious.
Solomon advocates for slow and steady progress, saying that wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but little-by-little progress leads to growth. Although resisting instant gratification or deferring hope can make our hearts feel sick, when the desire is fulfilled, it renews our hope and fulfills our soul. Wise teaching is like a wellspring of life for those who drink from it, but those who mock or despise wisdom bring destruction to themselves.
The companion of fools will suffer harm, but those who walk alongside other wise people will gain wisdom of their own. Whoever loves their children will discipline them and impart wisdom unto them.
Solomon knows that hard work and relationships can often be messy, but that they are necessary. Verse 4 says that the manger is clean without any oxen, but the abundant harvest comes from their labor. Success often requires overcoming challenges and stepping into the mess.
Although you might have people encouraging you in your pursuit of wisdom, there will be others who are scoffers and seek wisdom only for appearances. Do not remain in the presence of fools, for no words of wisdom will be found there. Simple people who do not consider their ways will believe anything, but the wise are prudent, discerning, and cautious.
Hard work can bring wealth, but that does not mean the poor are wicked or lazy. The wise person is generous to the poor and blessed by their generosity. Giving to the needy honors God, but oppressing the poor insults God as their Creator.
Solomon warns that harsh, hot-tempered words stir up wrath and strife, but answering softly and being slow to anger quiets contention. The words of the wise bring knowledge, but fools spew nonsense. The fool does not listen to their father or mother, but the wise consider advice and receive reproof.
God draws near to those who seek His wisdom and hears the prayers of the righteous. But for the wicked, He is far from them, and their sacrifices are unacceptable. God will destroy the house of the proud, but preserve the land of the poor.
Without wise counsel, plans will fail. Solomon encourages us to have many advisers if we want to find success. Whoever ignores guidance hates themselves, but the wise who listen will gain intelligence. All wisdom comes from God and starts with honoring Him.
Solomon writes in verse one and verse nine that although we make plans, God is the one who establishes our steps and answers our prayers. God makes everything for His purpose and His glory, even evil and wickedness fall to His authority.
Understanding and wisdom are worth more than gold or silver. It is better to be humble with the lowly than rich and prideful. Arrogance is a disgrace to God and pride does not go unpunished.
Kings and leaders are called to be honest and just, people who rejoice in righteousness. Those who are slow to anger are more powerful and mighty than those who lash out.
Gray hair is a symbol of a long and righteous life and Solomon describes it as a crown of glory.
Verse six says that steadfast love and faithfulness are what atone for iniquity and that fear of the Lord turns away evil. The steadfast love and faithfulness of Jesus atones for our iniquities and through His death and resurrection, evil was turned away.
Proverbs 16:3 - Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Just like silver and gold are refined by fire, God refines and tests our hearts. When our hearts are joyful and focused on God, they are like good medicine to the body. On the contrary, a crushed spirit will dry up our bones.
The wise servant is in a better position than the foolish son; the wise will be included in the inheritance. Restraint is another characteristic of knowledge, even those who keep silent are considered more wise than the fool.
Solomon believes that the father of a fool has no joy, which sheds light on his wanting to pass knowledge down to his son. Similarly, Solomon says that a good friend loves at all times and families stick together in times of adversity.
Solomon compares God’s name to a strong tower of refuge, designating it as a place that the righteous run to for safety. Because God is the source of wisdom, the wise take shelter in His Word.
Throughout this chapter, Solomon references the power of words and even says they have the power to either kill or give life. Solomon advises listening well before responding to prevent foolishness and shame. The wise are attentive to knowledge and eager to learn more. The person who speaks first might sound correct, but the wise know to listen to both sides before coming to a conclusion.
Whoever finds a spouse has found something valuable and obtains favor from God. Some friends may come and go, but a true friend stays closer than family.
Solomon warns that while wealth can make you popular and bring new friends, those people might only care about you for what you can give to them. Solomon describes the generous person who gives to the needy as actually lending that money to God, saying He will repay generosity with goodness. Helping God’s creation honors God as the Maker. It is better to be a poor person with integrity than a rich fool.
Solomon describes the person who seeks wisdom as someone who loves their soul and says they will discover good knowledge and understanding. Having desires without knowledge is not good and those who rush ahead without wisdom will fail. Those who listen to advice gain wisdom for the future, but God’s purpose will prevail over the plans of man. Fear of the Lord leads to life, rest, and satisfaction.
Solomon emphasizes the importance of being slow to anger and claims that the person of great wrath will have a penalty to pay. Instead, someone with good sense is slow to anger and overlooks offenses. When a person’s rage brings them to ruin, they often blame God for the consequences of their actions and decisions.
Solomon warns against instant gratification, saying that food in deceit will taste sweet at first, but later feels like a mouth full of gravel. Similarly, an inheritance or investment that is gained with haste will not be blessed or fruitful in the long term.
God is the creator of the eye that sees and the ear that hears. It is our responsibility to steward those creations in a conduct that is pure and upright. The one who speaks wisdom has lips more valuable than precious jewels.
Solomon advises us to not be led astray by wine and strong alcohol, saying that it leads to brawls. Similarly, fools will be quarreling and arguing, but the man of honor avoids strife. We don’t need to lash out at those who are wrong or evil, wait and let God be the one to administer justice.
Laziness is not a quality of the wise. The person who is too lazy to take care of their fields in the fall will not reap a harvest in the spring. People who sleep the day away will end up in poverty, but the one who spends the day fruitfully will have plenty.