As Paul and Timothy write to the church in Philippi, they open their letter with greetings to the Philippians believers and leaders. Setting the joyful tone for their letter, they praised God and rejoiced in the ways the Philippians responded to the gospel. Paul calls them partners in the gospel and reminisces on their growth since their early founding. Confident in God’s abilities, Paul says he is sure that God will complete the good work he began in Philippi.

Paul shares his affection for the church in Philippi and shares his desire to be among them. Paul’s prayer for the Philippians is that their love will abound and they will grow in knowledge and discernment. Clarifying the source of their righteousness, Paul gives the glory and praise to Jesus who has filled them with His spirit.

When Paul wrote this letter, he had been arrested and detained, most likely in Rome. Despite his limited freedoms, Paul sees his imprisonment as an opportunity to serve God and advance the gospel. Throughout his many arrests, Paul has become more confident in God and spreading the news of Jesus without fear! Instead of focusing on his own suffering, Paul rejoices that the truth of Jesus is being proclaimed throughout the world.

Even after facing extreme persecution, Paul waits with eager expectation and hope. Paul trusts that the prayers of believers and the Holy Spirit will bring him deliverance. Knowing his future could hold execution or further imprisonment, Paul states that whatever happens to him, either life or death, will honor Christ. To Paul, both life and death revolve around Jesus. If he dies, he will be with Jesus in eternity, which he acknowledges is his desire. But if Paul remains alive, he can continue to share the news of Jesus and give glory to Him. No matter what happens, Paul will either be with Jesus or share Jesus with others!

Trusting that the meaning of life is to glorify God, Paul urges the Philippians to live in a manner that is consistent with the good news of Jesus. Paul confirms that along with belief comes suffering, viewing suffering as a necessary experience of following Jesus.

Philippians 1:21 - For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
