Similar to His previous miracle of feeding five thousand people, Jesus feeds another large crowd of over four thousand people. Using only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, Jesus blesses the food and creates an abundant amount!

The Pharisees ask Jesus to provide a sign for them, proving that He is the Savior. Jesus sighs deeply, frustrated by this request. He has provided many signs but has continually been rejected.

The disciples, realizing that they have no bread, are concerned. Jesus questions their concerns and wonders why they would be worried after seeing Him provide for the thousands. Using the imagery of leaven influencing the entire batch of bread, Jesus warns the disciples against being influenced by the false teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees. He questions how the disciples have yet to understand His power and abundance.

When Jesus is in Bethsaida, some people bring a blind man to Him for healing. Similar to His healing of the deaf man, Jesus spits on the eyes of the blind man and lays His hands on him. He asks the man what he is able to see. The man responds, saying he is able to see people, but they look like walking trees. Jesus responds to the honesty of the man and lays His hands over him for the second time, restoring his vision completely.

The crowds are unsure of Jesus’ identity and wonder if He is the reincarnation of John the Baptist or the prophet Elijah. Jesus asks Peter, “Who do you say I am?” and Peter responds, telling Jesus that he believes He is the Savior and Son of God.

Jesus reveals to His disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, where He will suffer and die. And after His death, He will be raised again on the third day. Alarmed by this news, Peter interjects, telling Jesus that surely this will never happen to Him. Jesus responds harshly, by saying “Get behind me, Satan!” It is possible Jesus is referring to Peter as Satan or rebuking Satan for attempting to hinder God’s will and His plans for the cross through Peter. Because Jesus will ultimately prevail over death and sin, Satan is more afraid of the cross than Jesus!

Jesus challenges His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. Through this expression, Jesus reveals the means of His death upon the cross. He says that those who give their life to following God will gain their life and questions why someone would want to gain the things of the world, but not care for their soul. Through this statement, Jesus highlights the importance of the eternal over the temporary.


