Jesus continues teaching and shares a parable about a sower distributing seeds across four different terrains, each representing a response to the message of Jesus.

First, Jesus describes seeds that fall along a path and are quickly eaten by birds. These seeds represent those who hear God's word, but do not understand. The enemy attempts to distort or snatch away the good news, leaving people without comprehension of God’s word.

Jesus describes the second group of seeds, which fall into rocky ground with little soil. Immediately, these seeds sprout up, but are unable to establish deep roots and become scorched in the heat. These seeds are representative of those who hear God’s word, respond quickly and intensely, but do not engage deeply and fall away once trials arrive.

The third group of seeds are scattered among thorns. Although these seeds grow, they are eventually suffocated by the thorns. These seeds are representative of those who hear God’s word, but become distracted by other pursuits.

Finally, Jesus describes the seeds that fall on good soil and produce grain. These seeds produced fruit one hundredfold, representative of those who hear and understand the word of God.

Jesus explains that the parables are a fulfillment of the prophet Isaiah 6, saying that many would see Him, but would not perceive. Jesus says that the disciples are blessed to have heard, seen, and understood. When speaking to the crowds, Jesus quotes Psalm 78:2, saying that He will speak in parables and utter the words that have been hidden to the world.

Jesus calls His followers to be like a light on a lampstand, giving glory to God for all to see. He also warns that everything will eventually be brought to light, nothing will remain hidden or secret from God. Those who listen to God’s word and follow God’s wisdom will find abundance.

Using a parable of a seed growing, Jesus expresses His role of teacher. Jesus scatters the seeds of wisdom, but does not force anyone to listen and follow any more than a farmer forces crops to grow. God cultivates growth and wisdom in the hearts of those who engage with His word.

Jesus teaches that a small amount of faith can have a great impact, using the example of the mustard seed growing into a tree. Despite being the smallest of the seeds, it grows into the largest of the trees. Jesus speaks in parables to the crowds, but explains everything to the disciples. Those who are closest to Him are given more clarity and confidence in His word.

When the disciples are on a boat with Jesus, a great storm comes, but Jesus is asleep. The disciples wake Him, begging Him to save them from crashing or drowning. Jesus questions them, asking why they have little faith and why they are afraid. He then rebukes the wind and the waves, and the sea become calm. The men marvel at Him, realizing even the weather follows the commands of Jesus!


