Jesus travels across the Sea of Galilee and great crowds of people follow Him to the shore. Knowing that it is time for the Passover feast, the disciples are concerned about feeding the large crowd that gathered around Jesus. Instead of dismissing the people, He miraculously feeds them. Using only five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus blesses the food and there is an abundant amount able to feed over five thousand! Not only was there enough food to fill everyone, but there were also twelve baskets leftover, to sustain the disciples on their journey.

After feeding the many, Jesus sends His disciples into their boat to continue with their travels. Instead of joining them on the boat, He spends time alone in prayer. Jesus, having authority over creation, walks upon the water, making His way towards the disciples. When they see Him, they are frightened. Jesus speaks to them, telling them not to be afraid. Once they realize it is Jesus, they are glad and take Him into the boat.

When the crowds of people realize that Jesus left, they go to Capernaum to look for Him. Once they find Him, Jesus confronts them, saying they are only following Him for what He can do for them. In his typical teaching fashion, Jesus tells them not to work for food that perishes, but to receive the food that provides eternal life. He refers to Himself as the bread of life, promising that those who come to Him will not hunger or thirst and comparing God’s provision of Jesus to God's provision of bread for the Israelites in the wilderness (Exodus 16).

When asked what the people must do to follow God, Jesus says that they must believe in the one whom God has sent. He emphasizes that faith, not works, is all that God requires. Throughout His message, Jesus is clear that the only way to God is through Him.

Telling the crowds of His divinity, Jesus says that those who believe Him will inherit eternal life. He came, not to fulfill His own will, but to do the will of the Father. He claims to be the living bread, sent by God from heaven and tells the people that whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood will abide in Him. Later, Jesus will explain this practice as communion, breaking bread and drinking wine in remembrance of Him, but at the time, this message was alarming and graphic.

After this disturbing message, many of the people who came to see Jesus abandon Him. Jesus encourages His disciples, telling them that His words are true words, which give spirit and life. Once Jesus sees the crowds leave, He asks His disciples if they too will leave. Peter responds, “Where else would we go? You have the words that offer eternal life, and we believe that you are the Son of God.” Jesus responds to Peter’s faithful claim, telling them that one of the twelve disciples would eventually betray Him.


