After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene visits the tomb and sees that the stone has been rolled away. Mary runs to tell Simon Peter and John that Jesus was removed from the tomb. When they arrive at the tomb, they are confused by the sight of an empty tomb, containing only the folded linen clothes that previously covered Jesus.

Standing outside the tomb and weeping over the loss of Jesus, Mary is met by two angels. When asked what was wrong, Mary responds that the Lord has been taken away and she did not know where He laid. Jesus appears to Mary, but she is unable to recognize Him at first and assumes that He is a gardener. He calls Mary by name, and upon hearing “Mary,” she recognizes Him and calls Him teacher. Jesus explains that He would not be present long and that He would soon ascend to heaven to be with the Father. Mary goes to tell the disciples the good news of His resurrection.

Mary’s assumption that the resurrected Jesus was a gardener subtly points to Jesus’ cultivation of new life. Standing in between the perfect garden of Eden and the perfect garden of eternity, He provides an invitation to enter into God’s kingdom. In Eden, sin entered the world (Genesis 3), but through His death and resurrection, Jesus defeated sin. Jesus imagined as a gardener shows the reversal of Eden and the inauguration of the new creation.

Jesus goes to visit the disciples, saying “Peace be with you!” as He enters the room they are in. He shows the disciples where He was pierced on His hands and His side. As the Father sent Him, Jesus sends the disciples to share the news of His resurrection. Jesus gives hope to the disciples of the Holy Spirit, coming to their aid as a helper.

When Jesus appears to the disciples, Thomas was not among them. When the disciples tell Thomas that they had seen Jesus, Thomas did not believe them. Thomas needed to see and feel the scars on Jesus’ hands from the nails of the cross. Eight days later, Jesus appears to Thomas and shows him what he needed for belief, the scars on His hands and side. Upon seeing this, Thomas believes and proclaims He is the Lord God. Jesus does not rebuke or correct Thomas for his disbelief but meets him in his doubts and provides reason for faith. Jesus showed Thomas His scars but says that those who believe without seeing are blessed.

John states that many other miracles and signs occurred in the presence of the disciples that were not recorded in this book. John wrote so that those who read this account will​​ trust that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing they may have life in His name.

John 20:31 – but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.


