Continuing His message to the disciples, Jesus teaches that He is the vine and God is the vinedresser or gardener. God will take away every branch that does not bear fruit and prune the ones that do produce fruit, allowing them to continue growing. Just as branches cannot grow fruit if they are not connected to the vine, the disciples will not be fruitful if they do not remain in Christ. Jesus instructs them to abide in Him, following His teaching and trusting His Word. Those who do not abide will be like branches that wither, unable to produce fruit.
Jesus teaches the disciples to abide in love and follow the commandments. Showing the disciples how to love well, He explains that there is no greater love than laying down his life for his friends, an act He would soon fulfill. Encouraging them to present their requests to God, Jesus reiterates that God will provide anything they ask in His name that is according to His will.
Jesus acknowledges the hatred that consumes the world. Because He does not have the same values as the world, He is hated by the world. He prepares the disciples, as they will also experience hate because of their loyalty to Him. Many people, especially religious people, hate Jesus without a cause. Whoever hates Him also hates the Father, one cannot love one without the other.
Once God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within followers of Jesus, they will be more equipped to serve as a witness to Him and spread the gospel message.