Before describing many great actions of faith throughout Scripture, the author defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not yet seen” (11:1). The author clarifies that faith brings understanding to God’s universe. Faith in the Creator sheds light on His creation!

The author continues by sharing many occurrences of faith modeled throughout the Old Testament. Each of these actions begin with the statement “by faith,” emphasizing the value of belief in God over their own works or actions.

First, the author recalls Abel, who faithfully offered God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain. After remembering Abel’s faithfulness, the author mentions Abel’s nephew Enoch, who also pleased God (Genesis 4). Without faith it is impossible to please God, but whoever draws near to God will be rewarded.

Continuing to recall notable faithful figures, the author mentions Noah, who was reverent in building the ark without any sign of rain. Through this display of trust in God, he was able to save his family while the world was condemned (Genesis 7).

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob believed God’s promise to make them a great nation. Abraham’s wife Sarah conceived in old age, fulfilling God’s promise to give her and Abraham as many descendants as stars in the sky (Genesis 12, 18, 21).

By faith, Abraham offered up Isaac, trusting God to provide the lamb (Genesis 22). Continuing the lineage of faith, Isaac invoked future blessings upon his sons, Jacob and Esua (Genesis 25) as well as Ephriam and Manassah the sons of Joseph (Genesis 48-49).

Through faith, Moses was hidden for three months and protected by his mother. As he grew up, Moses was faithful to the Israelites despite being raised by the Egyptian ruler (Exodus 2). In his adulthood, Moses faithfully kept the Passover, where God spared the Israelites. Following this act of faithfulness, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt through the Red Sea, where the Egyptians drowned (Exodus 12-13).

While the Israelites were in the wilderness, Rahab was faithful and welcomed the Israelite spies. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down after Joshua led them around the walls for seven days (Joshua 2, 6).

The chapter continues by referencing many other figures who displayed unwavering faith despite facing trials, persecutions, and challenges. These individuals endured suffering, oppression, and persecution for their faith. Although they did not all see the fulfillment of God’s promises, God ultimately provided something far better through Christ.

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


