On the seventh day after His creation, God rests. He blesses the seventh day, making it holy. Later in Scripture, God establishes the Sabbath, a day of the week set aside for rest and remembrance.
God creates the Garden of Eden, a beautiful and fruitful garden, with two trees at the center: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God describes the creation of humanity, in which He forms man out of dust and breathes life into him. The Hebrew word for “ground” or “earth” is “Adamah,” similar to Adam.
God gives Adam dominion over the garden, allowing him to maintain and enjoy the fruit. God warns Adam that although he may eat from any other tree, he will die if he consumes the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
After creating man, God says it is not good for him to be alone and creates a woman named Eve. God introduces the idea of marriage, saying that a man will leave his mother and father and become one with his wife. God charges them to be fruitful and multiply, populating the Earth. Together, they are naked and unashamed.
This chapter describes a world where humankind experiences unity with God, each other, and the earth.