Paul, along with his disciple Timothy, wrote a letter to the church in Colossae. Paul opens the letter by thanking God for the faithfulness of the believers in Colossae for bringing the news of Jesus to them. Paul shares that the news of Jesus was spreading throughout the world and leading to fruitful, faithful lives.

Letting the Colossians know that he has been praying for them, Paul states his desire for them to be filled with spiritual wisdom and understanding. Paul encourages the Christians in Colossae to live in a manner worthy of the gospel, in ways that are pleasing to God and produce good work. Paul is not insinuating that the people of Colossae are living faithful lives to earn their salvation, but to demonstrate how they have been changed by the news of Jesus. Giving them some examples of this type of lifestyle, Paul suggests that they are strengthened by God’s power, increasing their endurance, patience, joy, and gratitude. Because of their faith, they are given the authority to share the news of their redemption and forgiveness through Christ.

Paul describes Jesus as the image of the invisible God. Jesus was not a man who became a god, but God who became man. Jesus has been present with God since the beginning and all things were created through Him. Jesus is Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all things. Paul calls Jesus the “firstborn,” which highlighted the cultural implications of being the leader of the family and the heir to the greatest inheritance.

Paul states that in Jesus, the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. To early believers, this pointed back to the Tabernacle and the Temple where God’s presence previously resided. Paul explains that the mysteries of God are revealed in Jesus, who was God in the flesh. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus brought peace and reconciled all things to Himself.

Sharing his experience of suffering, Paul states that hardships are his way of participating in the suffering Jesus experienced. Because Jesus faced many challenges and rejections, Paul understands that he will have this same experience as a follower of Jesus. Paul suffered for the sake of the church and for making God’s Word known.

Colossians 1:15 - He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
