Similar to Barnabas, a couple named Ananias and Sapphira sell their land. Instead of entrusting the disciples with the entirety of the proceeds, they kept some for themselves. Peter confronts their selfishness, knowing they were lying to God about their contribution. Due to their deceit, both Ananias and Sapphira suddenly drop dead.

The disciples continue performing great acts and signs, healing people, and sharing the good news of Jesus. Many more people, both men and women, place their faith in Jesus. Because Peter has the ability and authority to heal others, many people with illnesses or afflictions desire to be near him. Similar to the faith of the hemorrhaging woman in Matthew 9 who believed that touching the fringe of Jesus’ cloak would heal her, people believe that Peter’s shadow is powerful enough to heal them!

Upon hearing this, the religious leaders are filled with jealousy and rage. They arrest the disciples, throwing them into prison. During the night, the disciples are freed by an angel of God, who opens the prison doors and lets them out. When the high priest arrives at the prison, there is no one to be found.

Upon hearing the disciples are no longer imprisoned, the religious leaders find the messengers of Jesus teaching at the temple. As the disciples share their faith in Jesus as the resurrected Savior, the leaders are enraged and want to kill the disciples. Despite being charged not to speak of Jesus any further, Peter and the other disciples choose to obey God over the religious and political leaders.

Before they could act on their anger, a man named Gamaliel encourages the religious leaders to wait before killing or arresting the disciples. Gamaliel reminds them of multiple other men who made great claims and built a following but dissipated in influence after their deaths. Making a logical argument, Gamaliel tells the religious leaders that the message of Jesus will either blow over or be revealed as the truth of God. Considering the message of Jesus is still alive today, Gamaliel’s point argues the validity of the disciples’ message.


