The disciples remain in Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks, an annual celebration and time of sacrifice. While in Jerusalem, the disciples experience a sudden appearance of fire with the sound of a mighty rushing wind. At this moment, they are filled with God’s Holy Spirit and are able to share the message of Jesus in every language!

At this time, Jerusalem was filled with people from other countries who spoke other languages, but they were all able to hear the message of the disciples in their own language. The people are bewildered by the abilities of the disciples and amazed at God’s mighty works. In Genesis 11, God divides the people and confuses their language, making it difficult for them to communicate, but now God unifies them and allows them to reach other nations for His glory.

Some of the people who witnessed this miracle are doubtful and assume the others were simply drunk. Peter intervenes, confirming that no one among them was drunk because it was early in the morning.

Peter reminds the believers that this event was previously foretold. Peter quotes the prophet Joel, telling of God's plans to bring His presence to Jerusalem and allow everyone who calls on Him to be saved. Joel prophesied a future time when God would pour out His spirit among His people (Joel 2:28-32). Peter also attests to the gladness and hope that comes from a relationship with Jesus, quoting the words of David in Psalm 16.

Peter teaches of the Davidic Covenant, God’s promise to David that a king would come from his ancestors. Jesus, a direct descendant of David, fulfilled this promise. Peter references Psalm 110, speaking of God’s presence among believers and victory over enemies. Peter’s hope is for all of Israel to know and understand with certainty that Jesus is the Savior.

Receiving Peter’s message, many people want to know how to respond to their newfound faith in Jesus. Peter instructs the believers to repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit. After this message, three thousand people believe the news of Jesus and are baptized!

Everyone who believes is in fellowship, praying and breaking bread together as followers of Christ. God’s people are generous and share with those in need. Joy and gladness become a shared trait of those who trust in Jesus and follow His teachings. Every day, God adds more and more people to those being saved by faith.


