3 JOHN 1


Similar to the letter of 2 John, John wrote to a specific audience, this time a man named Gaius. It’s possible this was the same Gaius who traveled with and was baptized by Paul (Acts 19:29, 1 Corinthians 1:14) or simply a man who was a believer within a church that John was familiar with. In 2 John, John warns against providing for false teachers. In the same way, this letter encourages God’s people to support and provide for one another.

John rejoiced upon hearing that Gaius was sharing the gospel and bringing others to the truth of Jesus. Continuing the work of the gospel, John instructs Gaius to support fellow missionaries. John wants Gaius to show hospitality to other believers sharing the gospel and send them on their journey in a way that honors God.

John warns against a specific individual, Diotrephes, who was selfish and opposed the church. John states that he plans to visit and confront Diotrephes himself. John teaches that whoever does good is from God, but whoever does evil does not know God. Lastly, John tells Gaius that he has received a good report of Gaius’s church and encourages him to continue in good works.

3 John 1:4 - I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.