Paul urges Timothy to rely on God’s grace as a source of power. Timothy is instructed to utilize God’s strength within him to teach others the gospel. Paul compares this mission like a soldier being enlisted, an athlete in training, or a farmer growing crops. Sharing the gospel requires hard work and dedication, but the harvest is fruitful and eternal. In case Timothy does not feel equipped, Paul ensures him that God will provide understanding.

Because Jesus suffered greatly, being a follower of Jesus also entails suffering, endurance, and sacrifice. In Paul’s case, he has been imprisoned for the sake of the gospel. Because he believes the gospel message is worth sharing with everyone, he trusts that his endurance in suffering benefits other believers.

Remembering the power of the resurrection, Paul states that those who have died with Christ have been raised to life again. Those who endure in their faith will ultimately reign with Jesus. But those who deny God will also be denied by God. Paul emphasizes that sharing in Jesus’ victory also involves sharing in His sufferings. Paul reminds Timothy that God is faithful, even when people are not.

Paul offers Timothy guidance for dealing with corrupt leaders. At this time, false teachers were still influential in Ephesus, where Timothy is ministering. Many of these teachers are confused by the resurrection of Jesus and the establishment of his eternal kingdom. The teachers were unclear about the return of Jesus, and some were preaching that it had already occurred.

Instead of following the immoral and incorrect teachings of these leaders, Timothy is charged with appointing faithful people. These leaders are to rightly handle God’s word and teach truth. Instead of bickering with others and having unproductive conversations, they are to avoid irreverent arguments. Paul specifically addresses two leaders who he believes have swerved from the truth.

Timothy is challenged to be set apart as holy, used as a vessel for God, and ready for every good work. Paul wants his predecessor in the faith to be willing and prepared for whatever tasks God has planned for him.

Leaving Timothy with practical guidance, Paul teaches that followers of Jesus should flee immature passions and pursue righteousness. They are to avoid foolish, ignorant controversies so that they can call on God with a pure heart. Paul desires for believers to be kind to everyone, willing to teach, patient in endurance, and gentle in correction. By doing these things, followers of Jesus will be better equipped to escape the snare of the enemy.


